Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Good, he's sleeping and I did everything on your list,"I said and she nodded.

"Ok and how are you?"she asked.

"I'm tired, goodnight and I love you,"I said and I walked to my room.

I easily drifted off to sleep and I thought why jonah was doing that. Looking over my shoulder, being next to me when I was holding andrew. I have to ask him.

<< The Next Day >>

I woke up and I got ready for school. I had breakfast and I left mom a note cause I noticed she was sleeping with throw up stains on her shirt. She must of had a restless night.

I was on my way to school and when I got there, I instantly saw buffy and jonah. But no sign of marty or cyrus.

I walked up to them a gave jonah a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey guys,"I said while hugging buffy.

"Hey andi I thought you weren't coming cause neither cyrus or marty are coming,"she said.

"Oh they aren't?"I asked and she nodded.

Then the bell rang and we went to class.

<< After School >>

I walked home with jonah cause he wanted to make sure I was home safely. That was really sweet of him.

I opened the door and I invited him in since I actually needed to talk to him.

"Hey mom,"I said.

"Hey Ms. Mack,"jonah said and she smiled.

"Hey honey, hey jonah,"she said and gave both of us a hug.

"How's my little man?"I asked.

"He's good, he's in the living room playing with a toy,"she replied and I walked into the living room again. And once I heard mom going into her room, I started talking to him.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you something,"I asked him.

"What is it?"he asked.

"Why have you been doing things like looking over my shoulder every time I was watching andrew?"I asked.

"I uh...well...,"he trailed off.

"Jonah just tell me!"I said and he blurted out sonething that made me blush.

"Because you looked like a mother when you were looking at Andrew!"

"What?"I asked.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to think like that about you,"he said.

"It's okay,"I said.

"And I actually find the cute that you were thinking like that because I do want to be a mother someday."

He was blushing so much right now. It was so cute. But he just stayed silent.

"You know, you look cute when you blush,"I said and he blushed harder.

"Well it's not my fault you're so beautiful,"he said which started to make me blush.

I punched his arm and we both laughed attention back to andrew.

After a little while he had to go and I got ready for bed. I instantly drifted off to sleep. It was Friday but I wanted to rest. I was resting until I heard crying and footsteps.

It must have been Andrew crying and mom walking up to him.

I walked out of my room to go check up on both of them. I open my door to see and exhausted bex and a sleeping andrew.

"Hey Andi I'm sorry I woke you up,"she said.

"No Mom it's okay... do you need some help?"I asked.

"Yes please he's been keeping me up, a lot,"she said and I laughed.

I picked Andrew up and then I took him to his crib. He finally rested and he didn't wake up which meant I could go back to bed myself. I sighed in relief and I walked in my room. I went to bex's room to see her sleeping already.

I drifted off to sleep.

<< The Next Day >>

I woke up to hear someone in the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen to see Andrew and his little seat.

And I also saw bex making breakfast and I kisses her cheek.

"Morning mom,"I said and I helped her out.

After breakfast and took a shower and I texted Jonah.

<< Hey what are you doing? >>

<< Nothing much. You? >>

<< I just helped bex in the kitchen and later we are all going to go out >>

<< Nice. Can I come? >>

<< Sure! You're always invited! >>

<< Sweet! So see you later! >>

<< Bye! >>

I stopped texting him and I went to go check up on Andrew. I saw he was playing with a toy and putting it into his mouth. I laughed a little and I sat next to him.

"I love you."

He tried grabbing my hair but he couldn't since my hair was short.


To be continued...

Word Count: 1209!

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