I rolled back over and smiled at him, I held out my hand to him, and he took it. I pulled him down on top of me, and looked at him dead in the eye. we stared at each other nose to nose.

" Thanks for the compliment..... Can you cuddle me please? "

Jason gave me a smile and kissed my forehead, before sliding down the back of me and spooning. He pulled my body to his and hugged me tightly. I reached into my pocket and texted my aunt to tell her I wasn't going to be home for dinner and that I needed time to myself.

Jase grab the t.v remote and flicked it to the movie channel. I reached for the throw over blanket at our feet and pulled it over the both of us. I turned around so I was facing Jason and cuddled into him, he wrapped his arms around me, I couldn't help but thinking about what had happen today. Tears started to fall down my face, I didn't know where they were coming from because I never cry. but I think I was crying because I now know that I have a family.

I was confused, How could no body had told me about MY father and the royalty side of him.

I let out a breath and looked at Jase.

" Did you know that my dad was the kings son? "

Jason gave me a cheeky smile,

" Yes... That kinda makes you a princess, you suit it. "

I shook my head at him and cuddled back up to him.

" Mila... "

I hummed at my name for him to continue.

" Why don't you wanna be my girlfriend? We do everything couples do on a day to day bases, we share everything. I just dont get to kiss you or sleep in the same bed as you.... I -- I want to know why? "

I let out a shakey breath, I knew this question was coming I just never wanted to answer it. but I guess now is the time to let all the secrets out...

" Before I answer that question. I have one for you so that your in the same position as what im in with an answer..... What are you? "

I felt his body tense, I pulled my head out from under his chin and looked at him dead in the eyes. I could see it all now that he was hidding something from me, and he didn't want to tell me either.

He just shook his head,

" I don't know what your talking about? im just plain ol Jason. "

I knew he was lying. I hated being lied to, from all people my bestfriend.

I moved out of his arm and stood up, he sat up in a sitting position and look into eyes.

" Why are you lying to me Jase? You want me to be your girlfriend yet you can't be honest with me about what you are.... "

I started to walk towards the door but before I could go any further I turned around and looked at Jason he has a tear falling from one of his eye. I looked closer and it looked as if it was a Dimond....

I was gonna say something but he bet me to it.

" How long have you known that I was different Mila? "

I looked at him confused,  I knew he wasn't human but from what I have read in my aunts books on super natural creatures I knew what he was. But how in the hell is he even here and not been found? Or anyone come looking for him?

I looked him dead in the eyes,

" I - I just knew that you weren't human..... "

" Do you know what I am? "

I gave him a nod, and without a sound he was standing in front of me. I try to take a step back, but grabbed my hand stoped me

" Please don't be afraid of me Mila.... "

I pulled my hand back. I wasn't afraid of him at all I was just confused as to why he never told me all these years.... Or how no body else could see he wasn't human.... I was just upset that he kept it from me after I had told him everything about me. It kinda made me mad at him,

" Im not afraid of you Jase. Im just confused, Why is everything happening to me, why are all these secrets coming out now? why now of all things! im just an 18 year old teenagers trying to live an average life.... "

Jase put both of his hands on my shoulders. He only ever did this when he was about to tell me something important. I looked him in the eyes, he just smiled down at me.

" The spell your mother cast on you all them years ago is slowly wearing off, you are the most powerfullest witch and Wolf from either sides of your gene.... Im here to protect and guide you in life, until I found out what you really are to me. "

I must of been the most confused person on the planet right now. I knew I was strong but the most powerfullest from either side of my parents family. The real question is How is this possible? and how do I stop it? And what the hell does he mean when he says what I am to him?

" What spell? im so confused..... Can't we just keep everything the way it is? I don't care what you are Jase! I dont want my bestfriend to ever leave me, I dont want anything in my life to change! "

I moved away from Jason and sat on the couch again, I didn't want any of this... but there was the one question that kept floating around in my head.

" Why hasn't anyone noticed what you are? Your like a very rear creature and are very valuable to the super natural, your blood is ment to be some kinda magic beyond the imagination "

" Because my nan is like your aunt, im only a half blood just like you in a way... My nan is a lower ranking then your family, My mother was a full blooded witch as well, we have the same spell put on us... I dont take my mothers side, my fathers side is more dominant. "

Well at least I know im not alone in the half blood thing in this world. I had to smile.

" Mila.... There are two more just like us in a way. There mothers were also full blooded witches. But there fathers were of a different creature "

Different how? So many questions.  Jase came and sat next to me, and looked at me with a strange expression saying ' Why don't you know any of this'

" Why are you looking at me like that Jase? "

He shook his head and looked away.

" Your aunt should of told you this a long time ago Mila.... The four of us are being hunted, And you the most. "

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