Who Knew Love Would Turn My Life Upside Down

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Soul Mates the term in which is used to describe two people that find it each other and are meant to be together. Being the pessimist I am, I always assumed that soul mates were something hopeless romancers had come up with. That was until the day I meet mine.

Beep Beep Beep Beep. "Ugh I don't want to get up, i though rolling to the other side of the room to throw my clock. As I woke up I stretched and thought, Today is the day I, Hallow Renae  Smith, get a job finally.... Jumping in the shower and then getting ready I prayed I would finally get a job. Looking at the mirror to make sure I was presentable I started at my reflection. My long black hair reached my mid back, I could get it longer if I straightened it but who has time for that. Summer was started so my olive skin no longer looked green but was regaining its tan. Some how I was blessed enough to have boring brown eyes, note the sarcasam, which I had made them the focal point by lining them naturally with brown eyeliner and mascara. I had one a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, flats and a t shirt with a cardigan.

Being 20 years old and not having a job can be really hard. My savings from my last job were really starting to dwindle even my cabinets and fridge were feeling the lose. Searching around I finally came up with a box of cereal and some milk I was hoping was still good. Looking at the clock I realized I had to get going if I was going to make it on time. Hooping off my seat I locked up the house and got in my car. Turning one my favorite band He Is We I started to drive I thought about all the bills that were due in the next week or two.

Why didn't I just stay at the other job!!! Grrr I should have never said anything about him touching me or saying sexual comments. Sighing, I realized that God would take care of me and that I made the right choice. It would have goon against all my morals not to turn him in. My only mistake was I didnt know that the guy I said something about was the owners son and he had been doing this for years, everyone knew him so they were too scared to turn him in. Silly me didnt know so I was "laid off" and given a large sum of money till i could find a job, I knew it so I wouldnt tell anyone. So here I am 2 months later still trying to find a job, its a tough economy now obviously no one has room. Even McDonald's turned me down!!!! Really? They didnt even think I was qualified to make sandwiches and take orders!

Pulling up to house I was suppose to meet my, fingers crossed, new boss I noticed how make money he had.Just to get to his house I had to push a buzzer at the gate.

Whats your business? Said the like voice in the box.

Ummm My names Hallow Smith I'm here for the interview. Hmm my voice was a little shaky.

Instead of an answer from the mighty talking box the gate opened.

Thank you!

No response, so I just continued me drive up. After reaching the house if I had any doubts he was rich they were blown away. His house was nice and looked well taken care but that wasn't what drew my attention. No, it was the pool and backyard that had my mouth dropping.

Are you done drooling on my lawn and ready for your interview?

Turning to see where the ever so sexy voice came from I seen a guy that not even his voice did justice. With his blonde hair that reached just above his shoulders, green eyes, and a build that could make any girl drool and any guy jealous. Just look at those muscles. Yummy!

Um Hi my names Hallow Smith I;m here the interview. I say sticking out my hand.

Names Jackson White, sticking his hand out as well then it dawned on me o crap this hot guy is my boss. Pulling my out of my thoughts he continued to speak. "If you would just follow me inside we can start your interview." Nodding my head I continued to follow him inside. The inside was just as nice as the outside walking up the stairs and down the hall we came to a office. He sat behind the desk and offered my a seat.

"So Hallow, lets get started. Your here for a job, it says that you were laid off from the other job about 2 months ago? he asked with a raised eye.

Yes sir, they said they were having to cut due to the economy. Shew I hope that lie sounded truthful.

"Well do you have any experience with children?"

"Yes sir my family has a lot of children so we were always having to take care of kids. I also had a job for a couple years back home watching 3 kids and homeschooling them."

My palms started to sweat, this interview didnt seem to be going very well i thought.

"Okay after looking at everything I've decided that I will hire you, inwardly fist pumps oooo yaaa. However I am only giving you a week to prove that you deserve this job, my children can be quite the handful.

"How many children do you have?"


How old?

The oldest is 6 and the you youngest is 4.

Okay so when would I need to be here?

You can start on Monday. Enjoy your week end. I shall see you on Monday at 9 o'clock in the morning.

Thank you so much sir fir this opportunity.

Yes well I have a lot of work to do, you remember your way correct?

Shaking my head I walked out the house, once to my car I did a little happy dance. Getting in I started praying thanking God he had provided me with a job and hopefully this job works out. Hopefully this job pays well I thought. We hadn't really talked much about the details I was just so excited for the job any money would be good at this point. Monday was going to be exciting to say the least.

Hey guys. Ive been on Wattpad for quite some time but I've always just used to read amazing stories. But now I've decided to finally write my own Ive got this idea and hopfully its as good as I thought it out. Havent really got to edit kinda wrote this in a hurry since I have to work in a few hours. Comments are welcomed Id love to hear what you think so far :) Also suggestion on characters would be great!

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