Chapter One

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I'm am Janet Damito Jo Jackson and I'm the youngest member of a famous family the jackson family also known as the younger sister of Jackson 5. I'm also in a relationship with a guy that my dad picked out and he was a very sweet, kind, loving person at first until we started daring that's when he very abusive he beats me and rapes me but he claims he loves me and he promises me that he would stop raping me and putting he's hands on me but he keeps on doing it.

I'm so afraid to tell someone about it and I tried many of times to get away from but he always finds me and once we get home he beats me. My mom Katherine saw my black eye that he gave me and she tried helping me and I'm so afraid that once she gets involved he's going to put he's hand on her also and I don't want my mother or anyone in my family to get involved cause I don't want them to get hurt.

There's no telling my brothers are gunna do to him when they found out he's been beating me they are way over protective over me. Is it wrong not to get them involved right? Oh well I'll figure it out but anyways I just don't want my family getting hurt or into my mess well it's kinda not my mess cause my dad brought us together so it's kinda he's fault if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be with a man who beats me and rapes me who accuses he loves me. I don't know what I did to deserve this I was a good kid didn't get hooked on drugs, didn't become a prostitute so why did I get this kind of relationship. Why me? *crying into her hands*

Sorry that this chapter is short and boring and not that interesting.The next chapter will be how Joe hook Janet and Andrew up and I'll try my best to make it interesting.

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