Chapter Twenty-Five

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I don't know how many chapters I'm going to do for this story and start a sequel maybe I'll start writing a sequel for this story (maybe a story all about Arianna i have no clue) but I don't know if I'm going to do that while I'm writing another story (that I didn't pulish yet and not going to until I'm satified with how many chapters I want to write before I actually pulish the story still don't know how many I'm going to do) but leave comments if you want me to do a Arianna story if I don't then I'm not going to do it but anyway I'm going to fast foward to when Arianna is a 8th grader 

"Hey mom can I go to Crystal's house okay we need to finish a project for school." Arianna said 

"Yea sure but if I find out that y'll aren't doing a project your grounded for lying to me." Janet said 

"I'm not lying mom we're going to do a project for our history class and it's 50% of our grade and you know I am about my grades mom." Arianna said smiling

"Okay well call Crystal and tell her to come pick you up." Janet said 

"I already did and she said her mom is on the way." Arianna said 

"Okay I want you home before dinner." Janet said 

"Okay mom thanks and are we still having family day next weekend?" Arianna asked

"As far as I'm concerned yes it's still on until they end up canceling it." Janet said 

"Okay I'll see you at dinner then." Arianna said 

"Okay." Janet said 


"Hey Steve I'm going to surprised Janet with a proposal." Josh said 

"Yea well hopefully she says yes." Steve said 

"I know she will because we've been talking about this like forever and having kids together." Josh said 

"So when are you going to purpose to her?" Steve asked 

"At dinner tonight I can't wait can't wait to see her reaction and everything." Josh said really happy and excited 

"Well I'm happy for you man when she says yes I hope you guys have a long happy life together." Steve said smiling 

"Thank you." Josh said 


"Come on Crystal we have to get this done before tomorrow and it's 50% of our grade and I don't want to fail because you don't want to help and fool around and then I'm suck staying up all night trying to finish what we don't finish now." Ari said getting frustrated

"Okay calm down you worry way to much over school." Crystal said 

"Yea because I don't want to fail and I want to get into a good college after high school." Ari said 

"Okay geesh." Crystal said 

"You know I have no clue why we ever became friends because we are totally two different people." Ari said

"I know right but hey you love me anyway," Crystal said smiling and laughing

"I know I don't know how I put up with you for 3 years." Ari said laughing

"I know I don't know how my parents and my brothers deal with me." Crystal said laughing 

"Yea I know let's get back to the project." Ari said

"Okay fine." Crystal said 


*After dinner*

"Can I get you guys attention please I would love to ask something to my beautiful, gorgeous girlfriend." Josh said 

*Everybody is quiet and looking at Josh*

 "I fell in love with you since the first time I laid my eyes on you and even though we had our ups and downs but I will always love you til the day I die and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want you to be mine woman forever I will always protect you and Ari and the kids that we're going to have together in the future we spent 9 years together dating and I would love to spend the next 9 years together as a married couple Janet Damita Jo Jackson will you marry me." Josh said on one knee 

"Yes I will marry you Josh." Janet said crying 

"Congrats girlie I'm so happy for you." Alivia said 

"Congrats." Everybody said at the same time 

"Congrats mom and Josh I'm very happy and excited for you guys and I'll be expecting for a little sister or brother maybe in two or three years from now." Ari said 

"Thanks baby and we'll see about that." Janet said laughing wipping her tears from her face 

What do you think about this chapter are you happy for Josh and Janet sorry if this chapter is short but go read my other story seriously you guys I want more reads on my other story and leave your thoughts in the comments thanks 

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