"Thanks, Joe. That means a lot & Nick would be grateful to you."

Joe & I sat there in silence for a while, then Marissa came out. "Demi? You should eat something." She said.

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled.

"You need to take care of yourself. If I make something will you eat it?"

"Yea, whatever." I said just to make her leave me alone. I really wanted to be alone. She went back inside & I looked at Joe. "I really could use some time alone, if you don't mind."

Joe nodded. "You gonna be okay?" He asked as he stood.

I shook my head, tears still flowing. "I'll never be okay. My whole world is shattered. My everything is gone. My reason for breathing is dead." I sobbed.

"Don't say that, Demi. You have six kids who need you." Joe said & I nodded at him. He hugged me then left. I stood up & I went to the edge of the pool. I wanted to jump in & drown myself. I felt something on my arm & jumped, turning around to see Jenn.

"Oh my God, you scared me. I can't believe you're still here. I'm sorry. You can go to your party ya know?"

"You're not having good thoughts right now. I'm not leaving you just yet. Please come sit with me." She said holding her hand out to me. I took it & cried as she led me back to sit on the patio. "Listen, I have been your fan for a long time & I have been a fan of your whole family so I am hurting with you right now. You can't think about harming yourself or ending your life. You have kids that need you. They lost their father, so they can not lose their mother, too. Do you hear me?"

"Yes. I hear you & thank you for making me snap out of my sadness. I know I need to be strong." I started crying again. "And in case I forget to tell you, you're hired."

"What? Really? Oh, Demi, thank you. You won't be sorry." She hugged me & let me cry on her shoulder for a few minutes.

As I sat back in the chair & she stood up, I tried to smile. "Nick would have approved." Saying his name made me sob again & Jenn hugged me once more. "I just need to be alone. I will call you soon. Thank you for everything, Jenn. It means so much that you stayed & helped & you really didn't have to."

"You're welcome & please call me if you need anything at all. And you know Nick will be forever in your heart, right?" Jenn asked then smiled, slightly before she squeezed my hand & left.

I sat there, by myself, looking up at the sky for a long time. I was remembering all the great things about Nick. I was remembering his smile or his eyes. I was remembering his voice & thinking how thankful I am that I knew him for as long as did. It was a blessing to have had him in my life & he would live on in our kids. I remembered all the things he said to me when he was saving my life or encouraging me. Those words would always be in my heart. I was still crying & I wondered if I would ever stop. I stood up & took a deep breath as I brought my folded hands to my chin. "Nick... I hope you can hear me. I am so sorry I said those things to you. I was mad & hurt & I didn't mean anything I said. I love you so much & I hope you know just how much. I hope in your final moments you were thinking of me & how much I love you." I closed my eyes & pictured his face in my head. My face trembled so much as the tears came like faucet from my eyes. I let out a loud sob & kept sobbing for a few minutes. "Can you feel how much I love you? Can you hear me, baby?"

"I can hear you." I heard Nick's voice & my eyes snapped open, thinking I'd see his ghost face in front of me, lingering in the sky, like in a Disney movie. I turned around & he was standing a few feet behind me.

I sucked in my breath & my hands covered my mouth. "Oh God. Are you real? Am I dreaming?"

He took a step toward me & put his hands on my waist. "You tell me." He leaned to kiss my lips & he felt real. I let out a sob & threw my arms around his neck. I was crying so hard I couldn't speak as I held onto him. If I was dreaming I didn't want to wake up. "Olivia & I got in a big fight & I got off the plane." He whispered into my ear.

The sobbing got louder as he squeezed me tighter. "Oh my God." I pulled away from him to look at his face. I ran my fingers over his features. "Don't you ever leave me again. You hear me?" I choked out. Nick nodded & I wrapped my arms around him again.

"I'll do my best." Nick murmured as he kissed the side of my head.

"I'm so sorry for what I said." I cried letting him go a little & looking at his face again. "I love you, so much." I kissed his mouth again.

"I love you, too." He said & I could feel my heart doing somersaults in my chest. I never thought I'd hear him say that to me again. He held me in his arms for a few minutes as I cried from sheer joy & relief. He cleared his throat & asked, "Do the kids know?"

I nodded & my eyes widened. "Oh my God, we need to go tell them you're alive. Holy shit, Nick, how did this... how did you?"

"I'll explain it all to you later. Let's go see the kids."

"Just Mercy & Jerry. They saw it online." I was blubbering & shaking so bad right now. Nick was holding my hand & let go to put his arm around my waist.

"Oh geez. Well, let's go. I got a lot of people I need to call & tell them I'm alive." We started walking toward the house. "I can't believe Olivia is dead." He said in a quiet voice. I started crying again & stopped to hug him again. "I'm sorry for scaring you, Love. If I had known, I would have tried to let you know. I was on a plane & had no idea what was going on until after I got here & Joe told me."

"I don't care. I'm just beyond thrilled that you're alive. I prayed & prayed & God answered my prayers & I am forever grateful." I said in a breathless voice. Nick kissed me again, holding my head in his hands & I couldn't stop my tears. "I never thought I'd kiss you again." I said as his lips pulled away from mine. "Okay." I took a breath. "Let's go tell the kids. They are devastated. They're gonna be so thrilled." I smiled at him then let him lead me into the house. We didn't get far because everyone had to hug him again or for the first time before we went up to the kids. I was hoping I wasn't dreaming right now. I had my everything back.

Forever in my Heart (Book 8 in Nemi Forever Series)Where stories live. Discover now