"Nah, man," He says, pulling a phone from his jacket pocket and throwing it to me. "Caught him sending off information to Trevor Myers himself. There are hundreds of messages. This has been going on for months."

I growl, driving my fist right into Slade's already injured nose. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

He spits blood out of his mouth to the grass before laughing. "I guess you caught me!" He exclaims, raising his hands over his head. "Took you long enough."

"This has to be some kind of joke," Axel says as he looks at Slade in disgust and disbelief.  "Please tell me this isn't real."

Slade grins, a few of his teeth missing. "Not a joke at all!" He yells before laughing again. I've never seen him like this. He's wild with insanity - walking a fine line between stability and madness. 

"You are fucking family! Family doesn't do this!" Axel yells before kicking Slade to the ground. "I'm going to fucking ki-"

"Kill me? I knew what I was in for if I ever got caught. I ain't fucking scared."

"Why?" I ask, my voice demanding. "We have all been there for you. We took you in. You were one of us!"

Slade laughs again, this time coughing up blood that runs down his chin. "I have my reasons." I punch him again. "And I almost got away with it too. Especially with you being so quick to believe Roxanne fucked you over."

"What the fuck are you rambling about?"

He grins again. "Roxanne had nothing to do with his, Boss. She never betrayed you. She never sold you out. Actually, she tried to buy you time." He shakes his head. "She's a good one. You fucked up."

"Fuck this," I mutter as I pull my gun out and aim it for his head. Without hesitation, I pull the trigger. Blood and brain matter spray out the back of his head as the bullet travels through his eye and out the back of his skull. He falls to the ground with a soft thud. "Get rid of his body."

Dennis and Larson nod their heads while the third guy, Gerry, stares at Slade's body. He's a little pale. Probably wasn't expecting me to kill him so quickly. 

"Axel, read these. See what he's said. I need to know how much he told them and what exactly he's told them." 

"Yeah, man," He says, taking the phone from me and heading towards his truck. He needs a minute and I don't blame him. I think we all do after killing one of our own. 

"Ryder, I need you to do something for me."

"Anything, boss."

I sigh. "I need you to make sure Roxanne is-"

"You don't need to say anything more, Jax. I got you." He says, smacking my shoulder before jogging off to his bike. It's time to upgrade him from Prospect. He's shown his loyalty. He always seems to have my back with everything - never questioning me like Axel. Maybe he can replace Slade as SAA. I think it be a good position for him and he's shown his worth. I'll have to run it by Axel later.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Axel roars from inside his truck. "Fuck!"

I rush over to him. "What?"

He doesn't look up from the phone, scrolling up as he continues to read the conversation. "He told them everything - shipments, property info, financial records...the entire works." He states, shaking his head. "There are names even. Jaxon, there's months of information here. He sent everything. Everything."


"Jesus, he knew about the attacks too. Told them where he would be standing even. He was smart with this, Jax. A fucking pro."

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