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I stare at the kid as I debate on how I want to start this. He's currently sitting on the hard ground, chained to the post with his arms cuffed behind his back. I took the liberty of stripping him out of his clothes. Fewer barriers. 

And I don't have to see his pathetic insignia anymore. I'll be burning his cut later. 

"Where to start. Where to start." I whisper as I twirl my knife around in my hand. "Any suggestions, buddy?"

"Go fuck yourself," He spits and I frown. 

"That's not very nice."

"Boss wants you to try to get information out of him," Slade says from behind me. "Sent me out here to make sure that gets done."

"I won't tell you anything."

"We'll see about that, buddy," I say, twisting my lips into a smile. "I know where I want to start. How about a new tattoo?" He looks at me warily before looking down at the ground. "Make him stand, Slade."

I wait impatiently for Slade to do as I say, tapping my foot as I wait. Once the kid is standing, I smile again and stalk towards him. 

"First things first, I think some introductions are in order. My name is Axel," I point to my chest with my thumb. "This is Slade," I point over my shoulder. "And you are?"

"Trevor," He replies and I smile. 

"Nice to meet you, Trevor. Too bad it couldn't be under better circumstances. I'm sure you understand." He rolls his eyes and I chuckle. "Now that that is out of the way, I gotta get something off of my chest."


"Your fucking tattoos are awful. They look like they were done by a two-year-old."

"Fuck you."

"Especially this one right here," I say as I point my knife into the Red Devil insignia tattooed over his heart. "I think it needs to be removed. What do you say, Slade?"

"Definitely. Hideous thing."

"And laser removal is so expensive," I drawl. "So, I'll tell you what. How about I do it for free?"

I revel in the terrified look he gives me, my grin growing impossibly larger. "Don't worry though. I made sure to sharpen this beforehand so this should be real easy."

I bring the knife to his chest and he attempts to squirm away from me. However, he's tied too tight and ain't going anywhere. Idiot. 

I start by lightly carving around the offending tattoo. My knife slices through his skin like butter and he hisses. 

"So, Trevor," I say as I finish my circle around his tattoo. "Where is it you Devils are hiding these days?"

"Fuck- Ah!" He screams as I slide my knife down his chest, skinning the tattoo from his body. His left nipple comes with it. 

"Oops," I say. "I took a little too much off."

He pants - his chest heaving heavily as he tries to block out the pain. 

"So, that location?"

"Fuck you." 

"Maybe I should remove the other nipple so it balances things out. Whatcha think, Slade?"

"Agreed. Symmetry is always best."

"Definitely! Symmetry was always my best subject!" I exclaim as I again slide the knife down his chest, removing his right nipple this time. He screams in agony and I give him a toothy grin. "Much better."

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