"With that said, I have no idea what is going on with your father. As I told you before, I do not work in that department." She says. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to find my bed."

The nurse pushes past us and I have to fight the urge not to kill her. 

"I know you are stressed out, Roxanne, but you don't need to take it out on the doctors and nurses. They are just doing their job," Dean scolds as he lets go of me. He hasn't left my side since pealing me off of my father's almost dead body. He's the one with the nasty, black eye that I almost feel bad about. 


"I just don't understand why they aren't updating me, Dean."

"I know, Roxy. They will tell you something as soon as they can. Just give it time."

I flop onto a chair. "What if he's already dead?" I say, leaning my elbows on my knees as I look down at the floor. I tangle my hands in my hair and begin rocking back and forth. "What if-"

"Don't think like that. The paramedics said that he will be fine. They are probably just assessing the damage."

I nod my head, tears brimming my eyes once again. "This is all my fault, Dean," I croak. "I told him about Jaxon and-"

"Look at me," He says as he leans down in front of me so he's eye level. "This isn't your fault. You know your father lives a stressful life and doesn't live the healthiest one either. He's always had a bad heart. Things are just catching up to him. This isn't your fault."

"It was the straw that broke the camel's back!" I cry out and he wraps his arms around me in a tight hug. "I could have killed him. He's all that I have left!"

"You have Trevor."

I shake my head feverishly against his chest. "No, Dean," I say, sobbing. "He's dead!"

Dean pulls away from me, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly agape. "What?" He asks.

"Trevor's dead. The Sons of Silence got him after he attacked."

"How do you know this?" He asks, his eyes growing dark. "Did you see it happen?"

"No, Jaxon told me."

"Does your father know?" He demands, pushing away from me until he's far out of my reach. 

"Yes. I told him before I told him about Jaxon. He-"

"Jesus Christ, no wonder he had a heart attack. Roxanne, you just told him that you love your brother's murderer!"

I sob again, wrapping my arms around me in a tight hug in an attempt to feel some kind of comfort. However, it doesn't work. 

"We need to gather the men. We need to take care of these fuckers once and for all!" Dean states, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"No!" I scream, flying out of my chair and grabbing his phone out of his pocket. "You can't! We can't retaliate. We can't!"

"Are you fucking stupid?"

I shake my head crazily. "No, we can't attack them. I can't have you hurt them."

"We have to, Roxanne! That is your brother they killed!"

"I damn well know that, Dean!" I scream, pushing against his chest. "You don't need to tell me that!"

"Then why are you letting them get away with this!?"

"We have done so much to them. Someone needs to put a stop to this madness."

He laughs humourlessly, rolling his eyes. "This," He says, pointing angrily at me, "Is exactly why a woman will never be in charge."

My jaw drops as I stare at him in disbelief. 

"You are unbelievable," He says, waving his hand at me. "I'm done with this shit. I'm getting Jack and Hunter. They will know what to do with this bullshit."

"You can't tell them."

"I can and will." He says, grabbing his phone from my hands. 

"You know that if you do that, you will be burying me. You know that Hunter won't hesitate to put a bullet in my head. Can you really doom me to such a fate?" I ask.


"Miss Myers?" A tall, older man in scrubs calls out, cutting off Dean. We both walk towards the man knowing that this will finally tell us whether or not my father is still alive.

"That's me," I say, my voice coming out as no more than a squeak.

The man nods. "I'm Doctor Anthony Danvers. I'm the attending physician for your father, William Myers," He says, looking down at his clipboard for a second. "Your father came in today because he suffered an acute myocardial infarction - or a minor heart attack, if you will."

I nod my head. "Is he okay?"

He chuckles. "Yeah, he's okay. I apologize for my choice of words here, but he's being a royal pain in the ass."

My lips curl up into a large smile. "That is fantastic news!" I say, hugging the doctor. "Thank you so much!"

"Of course, he will need to start taking care of himself. He has medication he needs to take on a regular basis and he really needs to start eating better. I advised him to see his family doctor to work on a plan of attack so I never have to see him in here again. Whether he takes my advice or not is a whole other story." Dr Danvers says. "According to him, this is all hogwash and malarkey so..."

I laugh. "Naturally."

"You may see him. He's just down the hall in room 211. He will be discharged in about an hour. We are just waiting for results on one more test and as long as it's clear, he can go home."

"Thank you so much Dr Danvers!" I say, hugging him again before heading to my father's room. 

"Thank you," Dean says behind me.

I quickly walk through the halls until I find room 211. The door is already open and I can see my father lying in a hospital bed. By the frown on his face, I just know that he isn't happy at all. 

"Daddy?" I say quietly, stepping into the room. Dean steps up behind me and stands at the door like a guard or something - his back facing us as his eyes wander the hall. 

"Roxanne?" My father says, turning to look at me. There is a flicker of something in his eye, but it quickly disappears and is replaced with something sinister. "What are you doing here?"

"I had to see you. I had to make sure you were alright." I say, stepping towards him.

"Bullshit," He says. "I'm here because of you. You almost fucking killed me."

"No, I-"

"What kind of daughter are you? Sleeping with the enemy...ha! Never have this issue with boys. Don't have to worry about their feelings getting in the way of things." He says mockingly before coughing slightly. 

"You are no daughter of mine. You are just a traitor. You are-"

"William Myers?"

"That's me," He says, forcing a smile on his lips as a cute, blonde nurse pokes her head past Dean.

"Doctor has signed you off. You can go."

"That's the best news I've heard all day, sugar."

The nurse giggles before exiting the room. The second she disappears, my father's smile falters - replaced with a terrifying scowl. "You are a fucking disgrace. You don't even deserve the Myers name." He growls lowly. "I should put a bullet in your fucking head right now."

My breath hitches and I feel like he just smacked me in the face. "What?"

"You are dead to me and this club." He says as he pushes himself out of bed. "Dean here will lock you in the basement for me that way we don't have to worry about you getting in the way of doing what needs to be done."

"What?" I ask as I feel Dean's hand on my bicep. "What do you mean 'do what needs to be done'?"

A sinister grin forms on my father's lips, sending a shiver down my spine. "I'm going to shoot your little boyfriend right between the eyes just like I did his father many moons ago."

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