Sleepy (Tim Drake x Reader) *featuring Damian*

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Prompt: Tim has overworked himself for the millionth time in a row and this time, he's taken on the offensive to make sure he doesn't get distracted from his work. You're running out of ideas. That is... until Damian takes pity on you and offers you the perfect solution to get Tim to sleep without him suspecting anything.

***This fan-fic is gender neutral!!!😆***

Fingertips drummed on the coffee table in an effort to help the one who was causing the repetitive noise to think of a solution to a problem that couldn't seem to be solved. Every other possible solution was already attempted, but they all ended in vain, leaving this person to go back to the living room of the Wayne manor to think some more about their seemingly unsolvable problem.

That person was you.

And your problem was getting Tim Drake, your boyfriend, to sleep.

Yeah. That is not an easy task to fulfill...

Tim had been up for the past 4 days trying to crack a case on Poison Ivy, but to no avail. In his frustrated and extremely stubborn state, he turned to the thing that you thought he loved even more than you. Coffee. Mugs of all different sizes, colors (and sometimes cold, leftover coffee) sat on his desk along with stacks of papers and his overly-used and overly-charged laptop. And during these 4 grueling days, you could have sworn that he hadn't even blinked since he started working.

Over the past 2 days, you had gotten worried about him and his overworked state. He wasn't eating, sleeping, or taking care of himself in general, and every time you went down to try and get him to take a break, he would always say that he was fine and would immediately immerse himself back into his work. You had tried everything from his favorite video games and distracting him from his work with conversation, to attempting to pull the cord from his computer. However, it seemed that he knew about everything you were going to do to get him to stop working.

His first tactic was putting on make-up to make it seem as if there weren't dark, purple bags under his eyes. Next, he plugged a seemingly endless extension cord into his laptop; it took you 15 minutes to find the plug only to realize that he had somehow made it so that the plug would be impossible to pull out without Superman's strength. Finally, he would give himself short bursts of energy by combining a small amount of energy drinks with his already overly-caffeinated coffee so he could really sell the fact that he "wasn't tired."

In short, he was determined to keep working, no matter what it took.

'How the hell am I gonna get him to sleep!?' You angrily thought as you, once again paced the living room floor. Damian sat a short distance from you on the couch, and he could have sworn he saw a grove in the floor from your constant pacing. He could tell that despite your frazzled state, you had good intentions for his brother. That was something he secretly admired about you; your kind, caring nature, it always put him at ease knowing that you were around to keep his brothers in line. If you weren't...

Let's just say things would get ugly...

He pondered for a moment, knowing Tim, it would be difficult to convince him to sleep when he was working on a case. And since Tim was more stubborn and caffeine-fueled than usual, drastic measures would have to be taken to get him away from his computer. After about 10 seconds of thinking, his face lit up and he snapped his fingers in satisfaction, followed by a very mischievous smile presenting itself on his face. "I got it!" He said. You had stopped your pacing and turned to the ten-year-old assassian, a confused expression on your face."Got what...?" You asked, confused.

"I know how you can get him to sleep." He deadpanned. Your face lit up as you eagerly walked over and sat next to him on the couch, ready to listen to just about any other solution to your boyfriend's sleeping problem. "What's the plan!?" You asked excitedly. Damian motioned for you to come closer so he could tell you of his so-called "master plan". You obliged, leaning in so he could whisper in your ear. After he was done, a dumbfounded expression presented it self on your face.

Man, you felt stupid right now...

"Why didn't I think of that!? That's so simple, yet.... genius!" You said, impressed. Damian had a smug smile on his face, proud that he was, once again being praised for one of his ideas. "No need to thank me. Being the blood son really does have its perks, after all." He said smugly. You sighed; man you hated his smug and uptight attitude...

But he did help...

"Thanks Damian. Now to Carry out our plan...."


You walked into Tim's room with a mug in your hands, intent on giving it to the coffee-addicted man who sat in front of the bright laptop, the light illuminating the room with a soft bright light that got sharper as you came closer to Tim. Upon reaching him, you spoke:

"Hey.. I-uh.. I brought you some coffee..."

He perked up and turned around instantly, shocked by the words that just came out of your mouth. His eyes were the size of dinner plates. Were you actually giving up and willingly giving him coffee at 3 AM!? It took him a minute to come up with a coherent sentence.

"You're giving me coffee.... and not yelling at me to go to bed...?"

'He's suspicious!!!' You screamed in your mind. You sighed, as much as you really wanted him to sleep, it seemed that the only way for him to take the hot drink was to give him the victory he didn't deserve.

"Yes, I'm giving you coffee. What's wrong with your significant other being nice and giving you coffee when your tired?" You said in a convincingly irritated yet stern voice.

"No, no! There's nothing wrong with that, it's just... *sigh* Thanks for the coffee." He smiled as you handed him the mug and walked out of the room. Tim turned back to his laptop, a smirk resting on his face as he took the first sip of the coffee you gave him...



Time skip 30 minutes

You overlooked your boyfriend while he slept in his bed, snoring loudly in his unconscious state. Switching out his coffee for decaf and giving it a caffeinated flavor was a genius idea. Thanks to Damian of course. And it even knocked him out in record time.

You really owed Damian for this one...

Quietly, you slipped under the covers with Tim and snuggled into him. Getting him to go to bed was exhausting, and now that the anxiety was gone, you were pretty tired too.

"Goodnight...Tim..." you yawned before slipping out of consciousness and into your dreams.


This is actually one of the first fan-fictions that I've ever written, so it's pretty old and probably not my best one, but I'm trying. I really hope you liked this story. More to come in the near future ; ) 

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