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She came back in the dead hours of the morning. It was cold, rain water dripping from the leaves of the tall trees. Elizabeth looked around and took in the sight. All the trucks were gone, motorcycles t— wait. Her eyes eyebrows perked up at the sight of one motorbike, the lights on. The engine was running, purring loudly. She could hear whispers then the voices were clearer.

"Are you sure they don't know where she went?" She moved from her position, navigating around to a place she could see their faces. Her eyes widened at the two familiar figures. "Yes, sir."

"Yongguk?" MinHyuk asked. "At the Mansion, locked up, as you asked."

"Hmm. Daehyun must be looking like shit right now." He chuckles, hands in his pockets. "Find Elizabeth." The man nods. "Find where she is. Look everywhere. Retrace her steps, check every camera within a 20-Mile radius. If she's stupid, she'll probably use her own cards—"

"I advise you that she's smarter than she seems." The man, who seemed to have watched her closely, states. "You're right. Daehyun wouldn't be stupid enough to leave her unprotected. He probably had everything prepared—"

"Nobody knew she would—"

"Someone had to know!" MinHyuk shouts. "No stupid girl can escape like that and not leave anything behind. You say she destroyed her phone and the chip is gone but you can't even get a signal on that! Someone in between all of you is helping her. And either none of you have figured it out or they already know something is up with you." MinHyuk lifted a hand and laid it harshly upon his cheek, the impact echoing in the garage in which they argued. "Do your job!" he kicked him in the back of his knee, in which the man fell to the ground. "Find Elizabeth before they do, or I'll end you." With his hand on the man's neck, MinHyuk shoves him to the ground. The man stands after recovering, straightening his outfit. "Make sure they don't find Yongguk either."

"Yes, sir."

She waited a few hours after they left as morning rose. She walked into the garage and into the inventory.



Elizabeth smiled at the youngers concern that she felt through the note, knowing he worries for her. She slung the duffle bag over her shoulder and grabbed the keys hidden in a tool box. "Please let it be a good one, Junhongie." From the last time she heard from Zelo, He had given her directions to a location where she'd find a car. A car he'd set aside the moment he could. It wasn't too far but the distance was great enough to not be near them. "I left a burner phone in the car. You shouldn't be tracked and when you call there shouldn't be an ID." She sighed and began to leave the inventory when she heard footsteps. She stepped back into the room, and held her breath, closing her eyes to calm her heart rate. "Where was it?"

"About a mile into the woods, about half a tank full of gas." She didn't recognize the voices of both men. They'd found her motorbike, had alerted MinHyuk and had begun the search. Elizabeth needed to move fast if she needed to make it out without being caught. But it wasn't gonna be easy.

"It's okay, Elizabeth." She whispered to herself as the heartbeat she had tried to settle, began to accelerate as adrenaline coursed through her veins. "You can do this." Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, she grabbed the gun pushed into the waistband of her jeans and removed the safety switch.

There was two, deep in conversation as they discussed how far she might be or considering if she was anywhere in mansion they'd raided. Neither knew she was behind them with a gun, scared for life and wondering if she'd go to hell for killing these two men. She'd intended to do it but instead, shot them both in the leg and let the arm of the gun hit their spinal cord to knock them unconscious. A single tear fell down her cheek as she felt guilty. She began to hyperventilate, her lips trembling and quivering. Her chest heaved heavily, and her breathing was shaking violently. "Relax, Elizabeth. Relax." She shook her head and wiped her eyes, placing the safety on the gun again.

She knew the motorbike wouldn't be where she left it. She had to walk. If there was anymore men in the building, or near her, they'd be on her heels quickly. Wiping her eyes once again as more tears began to leave her eyes and began to run towards the woods, the opposite way in which she had come from.

Go straight thru the woods, there's a river about ten miles back. Go about a mile west and the water should be about 2 feet deep, enough for you to cross.

The little bit of sun that shined through the many trees that crowded around her, wasn't enough to freeze the anger she felt growing in her heart. It was an unusual emotion she didn't recognize. She didn't like it. It made her feel... upset to be angry.

Elizabeth was angry because she had to hurt two men, or they'd take her to someone who would surely kill her. She was angry. Angry that MinHyuk decided to ruin their lives right when there wasn't trouble, or any missions Daehyun had to leave to. She knew going straight for Minhyuk would put everyone at risk. She couldn't find Yongguk first cause they'd also expect that and Elizabeth would fall into their trap.


if the gun information is wrong, sorry, im not a professional nor a psychopath so bear with me :)

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