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        "Oh my gosh-"

        "CARSON GET UP"

        Letting out a loud moan, Carson listened to the drapes being pulled open while the sun hit her eyes. 

        "You are going to be late for work... again. Get up!" Audrey pulled the sheet off Carson’s legs, dragging it with her down the hallway.

Hearing Audrey leave 30 minutes later she had laid in her bed for another hour. She could tell by the way Audrey shut the door that she was exasperated with her. 


        Walking down four flights of stairs and down two blocks, Carson ended up at a coffee shop that wasn’t even close in comparison to Starbucks. The place wasn't very busy and was small, with dimmed lights and wooden tables.

Across the street was a book store where Audrey worked, it was a skinny two story bookstore with books as old as the red velvet, spiral, stair case. 

        "I already checked you in." Turning around Maggie stood over her, casting a shadow on 5 foot Carson. 

        "Thanks," She gave an uncomfortable smile, it wasn't noticeable, but to her it was. Maggie was an odd one, but she had good intentions. Audrey didn't like her, though; she said that Maggie was a flake that needed to go away. Tying the apron around her waist, Carson stepped behind the counter to the register and began working. "What would you like?" 

        Lunch break came faster than intended and Carson was a day away from finishing the book Audrey brought her.

         "Do you serve breakfast here?" Glancing up from the pages, a young man, easily in his early twenty's, stood there. He had lightly tan skin with messy, short brown hair. The thing that intrigued her most were his green eyes that hid behind a pair of glasses.

        "No...We don't." Turning the page in her book, she began to read again.

        "Oh, alright…well, I'll just take a coffee then." He shrugged, the question he asked wasn't even cared for. It was just relevant for a conversation starter.

         "I'm on break." Carson beams at him, "And you're standing in my light." She nods at the window he stood in front of. "Oh sorry..." He pulled a chair out to sit in from her table,

        "I'll wait."

        Finishing her break, she put her book in her bag that hung on her shoulder.

         "You're still here?" 

        "I would like a coffee." He nods his head in response at the counter, mimicking her. 

        "Alright, be right back..." Walking behind the counter, she quickly brings him his drink. "Here you are." Swiftly, she pours it into the glass before she walks out of the store and runs across the street to the book store.


        “Would you like a free-"

        "There's a boy, at the coffee shop, and-"

        "Is he hot?"

        "He has freckles."

        "So… yes?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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