Blood drips down from where is nipples and tattoo once sat. My eyes follow the movement down his firm stomach to his crotch. An idea pops into my head. A pretty fucked up one. 

"I see Daddy Dearest forgot to book you in for your circumcision, Trevor," I say and his eyes widen. "But don't worry. I got that covered."

"No!" He screams as I bring my knife down to his cock. "Please don't!"

"Where's that location, Trevor?" I ask again before slowly slicing along his shaft.

"Ah!" He screams - the noise piercing my eardrums. "On the boulevard! Near the gorge!"

I pull away, smiling. "Now that wasn't too difficult, was it?" I pat his head, before bringing the knife back. "How many men?" I slice along the other side.

"Fuck! A few hundred!" 

I swallow, my nose twitching. That's double us. "Any allies?" I ask as I cut along the tip. 

Again, he screams - his body desperately fighting against his restraints. "The Pharaohs and the Coyotes!" He yells as I finish the circle. 

"Perfect!" I bring my knife to the base of his dick. "And what is your father's next plan of attack?"

"I don't know!" He screams, tears running down his face. I hear Slade coughing behind me. "I don't fucking know! I wasn't supposed to attack you today! I was mad at my father for choosing my sister's idea over mine and jumped at the opportunity to take action while she wasn't around!"

I nod my head before cutting around his deck. His foreskin hangs limply and bloodily against his dick. In one swift movement, I rip it from his body. 

"And this sister."

"I won't tell you anything about her." He growls, his eyes growing dark. "I won't give her up."

"Ah, come on! Just when we were starting to make progress!"

"Go fuck yourself!" He says breathlessly. He's fading. Time to bandage him up. 

Grabbing a cloth, I wrap it tightly around his member to stop the bleeding. "You know I could make this end swiftly if you would just tell me," I lie, giving him my signature smirk. "This could all be over. You just have to say the words."

"No." He says, his words coming out in pants. "I won't tell you anything. I won't let you kill her."

"Who said anything about killing her?" I exclaim turning to Slade. He shrugs. "I don't kill women. I'm not you."

"I won't tell you."

"I just want to meet her. Maybe talk to her about. Maybe introduce her to Axel Jr here," I say pointing to my crotch. "Make her scream my name a few time-"

"No!" He yells, fighting against his restraints and I laugh. 

"Nah, I won't kill her and I certainly wouldn't rape her or anything. What kind of man do you take me for?" He looks at me expectantly. "But you see. I have this friend. His name's Larson. I call him Lars. He's nothing like me. 

"You see, Larson is capable of so much more than me. He has no fucking conscience at all. He don't mind putting a woman in the ground. Actually, it's one of his many talents," I say, lying through my teeth. Larson wouldn't hurt a fly. He's incapable of it. "So, I would advise you to tell me what you want to know because if you don't, when I do find her - which I will - I will make sure Larson deals with her. And your pretty little sister, assuming she is pretty, won't be so pretty anymore. Hell, she might not even be breathing!"

"Fuck you!" He roars fighting against his chains. "You fucking asshole! I will kill you! Don't you dare touch my little sister!"

"Wrong answer. Now you get to die knowing that your sister will be at the mercy of a cold-blooded murderer. Rest in peace Trevor Myers." I say before pulling my gun from my waistband and raising it to his head. "May we meet again in hell."

I pull the trigger. The sound echoes around us before slowly dulling into silence. I step back from the kid - the gun falling to the ground. I feel Slade rest his hand on my shoulder, offering comfort and I turn to him. 

I've never cried in my thirty years of life, but in that moment, I was bawling like a fucking baby. Big, fat crocodile tears roll down my cheeks and Slade pulls me into a hug. 

"I got you, man."

"She's fucking dead. She's gone." I say as I pull away from his hold. "I can never hold her again and it's thanks to this fucker right here!" I kick his lifeless body.

"I know man."

"I will never be able to talk to her again." Kick. "Never kiss her." Kick. "Never hear her say my name ever again." Kick, kick.

Slade pulls me away from him. "I know, man. I get it."

"No, you don't! You've never lost your girl!" I yell, wiping away my tears. "You don't know what this feels like! I never got to tell her how I feel! I never told her how much I cared."

"She knew. Trust me, Axel, she fucking knew."

I shake my head. "No, she didn't. I should have made her mine. I should have-"

"There is nothing you can do. You can't talk about the should have beens. You just need to remember the good times you had with her. Okay?"

I nod my head despite disagreeing completely. Kicking the kid one more time, I saunter over to the bench where his clothes lie. Picking up his cut, I throw it to the ground at his feet and pour some gasoline on it. Once it's soaked, I pull a cigarette out of my pocket and put it in my mouth. With a shaky hand, I light a match and bring it to my cigarette before throwing it on his cut. 

The small bunch ignites the gasoline instantly and the flames cover the ground at his feet. The smell of burning flesh and leather reaches my nose and I crinkle it in disgust. Grabbing the rest of his clothes, I throw his shirt into the fire next - followed by his jeans and undergarments. 

As I throw his jeans into the flame, a wallet falls onto the ground. I quickly kick it out of the reach of flames and pick it up. 

"Let's get out of here," I say, looking at the black wallet in my hand. Slade grunts behind me, following me outside of the shed before chaining the door closed. 

I open the wallet and pull out the first card I see. A TD bank card with his name out it. I throw it to the ground and grab the next one. His driver's license. I hand it to Slade. It has his address. That could come in handy. 

The next few cards are credit cards and company loyalty cards. There is even a gift card for Burger King. Frowning, I pull out a few hundred dollars in cash out of the main pocket and shove it into my pocket. As I do so, I notice a secret pocket that I didn't see before. Shoving my finger inside, I pull a picture out. 

The wallet drops to the ground and Slade asks, "What?"

Turning to him, I show him the picture. His eyes widen and he stumbles back a little. 

"She's fucking dead."

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