Chapter 1: The Arrival

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AN: Okay, sooo... First of all english is not my native language...I am terribly sorry for my spelling or gramatic mistakes and I know that my english is not the best so I am terribly sorry :'( 

Also this is my very fist story in what so ever way --> it's gross xD but I hope you guys will like it!! :*

OK, here we go people! 

Oh, and some basic info - thinking and sign laguage 


Damn it...why is it always raining when you need to see what is going on around you?  Of course it would rain, when we are in a deep deep redwood forest  waiting for that  Malcom person who would bring the apes with him for a little chit chat(or as my commanding officer likes to say for a "negotiation about our relationship")

Let me put this straight - I am part of a special team that was send here from the north by the Colonel after we got the strange calling for help from other city about the dangerous ape race.  He send us here to investigate the apes and their way of living and to qualify if they are dangerous to human race or not.

Right know we are sitting alone somewhere in the forest in the  coordinates we've been send by Malcom (the man who will be our  "link" between us and apes) and we are waiting for apes to appear.  Everyone seems to be chill when nobody else than us is around.

At least, thats what it looks like but i know the reality. We are not alone. They are already here. They are watching us from the trees and bushes it's almost too evident. The others, they don't know they are to bussy bickering about God knows what.

"Hey (Y/N), why are you so stiff? Afraid od meeting few apes?" my colleague and friend Josh sat by my side. He has darker skin, his hait is tied up in a man bun and his green eyes are staring straight to my soul. He seems to enjoy this messy situation. 

I glare at him. "You don't understanf the gravity od this situation do you?" 

His smile only gets wider. "Oh I do, doll, you know I do, but don't you think that it's better to welcome our potentional allies with smiles on our faces rather than glares?" he winks at me mischievously. I push his arm, but a small smille creeps on my face. 

"You are a the biggest dork I've ever met. And to think you are part of the Lethal Gard? I don't get it Joshy." He only shrugs his shoulders on my statement. 

We are sittin in the silence and I am listening to the sounds of forest. O know this place to much to be still and calm. Memories are floating through my head and I can't nor I want to stop them.

FLASHBACK,12 years ago:

I was running. the ground seem to be still under my little legs. my lungs weren't albe to keep up with y running. Then I bumped into something. I fell down to the ground and heard a loud growl. I froze and my body didn't want to move, because that growl made my body glued to the ground.

Than a hand picked me up. I was alfraid to open my eyes. But the hand dropped me as I' ve heard new, even deeper growl and I heard steps coming closer to me. Another gentler hand was put on my shloulder and I heard a deep raspy voice: "How...did....a up here?"

After that I opened my eyes and I froze once again. I was looking into eyes of an ape! And a huge one(just for the note...)!  It had a wierd white paitint on it's face and it was looking at me with beautiful green eyes.

I gulped and answered: "My daddy died. Scary bad people came for me and wanted to take me away from my mommy but I didn't want to. Please don't hurt me I am soo soo scared." 

A child we thought we've lost(Blue Eyes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now