8. Wishing and Waiting

Start from the beginning

"Hm. Tell Frank there's been a change of plans. My place at seven?"

I smiled; I'd never taken orders from another woman. "You're the boss."

She quietly yawned again.

"Sheri, are you tired, girl?"

"No," she said softly.


"Maybe...but it's alright. I wanna keep talking to you."

I blushed. "That's, um, that's so sweet of you, but you sound exhausted. I'm seeing you at seven, remember? We'll talk then."

"Oh yeah." I heard her smile. "Can't wait."


Tuesday 20th May 1987

I visited Sheri the next day, and she had the opportunity to meet Frank, who wanted to know who I was spending all these evenings with. When Sheri answered the door and invited us in, the first thing I noticed were her cheerful spirits. Her pretty yellow sundress peeked out from underneath her apron, and there was a speck of white flour dusted across her cheek.

"Hi, Michael! You didn't tell me you were bringing a plus-one."

My manager introduced himself formally and they shook hands, "Frank DiLeo."

"Sheri Carter. Hi," she smiled.

Joy then came running down the hall, calling my name. She jumped into my arms and hugged me.

"And you've met Joy," Sheri said, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, "we've been busy, haven't we Joy?"

"We make cookies!"

Frank bent down to level with Joy and shook her tiny hand, bringing a smile to his usually stern face. He's a natural with children.

"Do you have kids?" Sheri asked him.

"Three," he said, straightening up again, "although Michael spends so much time with them, he might as well be their daddy."

"What? Everyone knows I love children," I said, carrying Joy in my arms.

Frank chuckled, reaching into his jacket pocket for a pack of cigars, "Michael did tell me that our evening plans were to be cancelled for a pretty woman, but what he didn't tell me was that she's this pretty." He nudged my side and I immediately felt the heat rush to my cheeks.

Sheri smiled at me before offering Frank, "you wanna come in for some coffee?"

"No, thank you," he declined, "I understand why he prefers to be alone. Have fun, you two," he winked at me.

Sheri asked me to take Joy inside, so I retreated into the living room while she saw Frank out. There was some faint conversation going on. Frank did most of the talking, but neither of them were loud enough for me to decipher words.

Sheri returned to me.

And an awkward silence.

"So, you think I'm pretty?" she finally said.

Frank loved to embarrass me. I chuckled and let Joy wander around the couches, "yes." But you're beautiful.

She had that coquettish smile again. "Frank's cool. He reminds me of a 1940's gangster, like an Al Capone. Just shorter. And fatter."

"Thank God he's not around to hear you say that," I giggled.

"Yeah, I am so lucky," she laughed.

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