Harry Potter's brother

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The Dark Mark floated on 4 Privet Drive in Little Whinging. The surrounding houses were also starting to burn. Hidden in the tool shed, in the Dursley Garden, Harry Potter and Dudley Dursley waited for help, trembling. In the distance, the sirens of the approaching muggle fire trucks could be heard.

- Do not move, Dudley! Do not say a word! Harry whispered to his obese cousin who was shaking on his knees between the lawn mower and the big trash bin that Harry had returned after the garbage collectors had gone.

- Harry, what's going on? What's this ? Are we bombarded? It's the war ? But ... on TV ... did not say ...

- Yes, Dud, it's war, but not the one you think. Shut up, if they find us, we're dead!

Harry straightened up, legs flailing. He had time to take his magic wand and his invisibility cloak before leaving the house through the window, dragging Dudley forcibly, who did not understand what was going on.

- Dud, push yourself, we will put one against the other and they will not see us, I have my cloak of invisibility.

- A what ? Harry, where are my parents?

"I do not know, Big D," Harry said, coming out of under his oversized shirt, the cloak inherited from James Potter.

He went to squat near his cousin and covered them both with the cloak.

- Dudley, we're invisible until we make a noise. We will have help soon. My friends will pick us up.

Dudley did not answer. He was terrified and closed his eyes, his hands clenched on his fat thighs.

The door slammed open and Harry slammed his left hand over Dudley's mouth, from the right he pointed his wand at the intruder. An individual dressed in a heavy black hooded cape and silver mask glanced into the pool and gave a cry of rage. Harry saw platinum blonde locks escaping from the hood.

- Lucius Malfoy ... the bastard, he thought. But how did they get the address, Merlin! How? And those cursed damn magic barriers? And the protection of the blood? That crap! I'll gut Dumbledore, if I get out of here!

Lucius, seeing that there was nothing in the garden shed, went out at once, leaving the door open. The two cousins ??heard screams, and saw red lightning and other greens: no doubt, stupefying spells and Avada Kedavra. Harry heard several significant creations: We were apparating not far from them. Again, cries were heard, and more crunches.

And then the silence returned. None of the two boys dared to move. Dudley had opened his eyes and Harry had withdrawn his hand. He made a negative sign to the big blond kneeling beside him. They could not go out until the Order of the Phoenix arrived.

A figure approached and the two boys held their breath. Harry saw a light-haired man enter the cabin. He wore an elongated cloak and had large scars across his face.

- Harry, I know you're here, it's Remus! Get out, now, everything is fine.

Harry abruptly removed the cloak that covered them.

- Remus! he rushed into the arms of his former Defense Professor Against the Dark Arts.

- Harry! Merlin be praised! You have nothing ? I felt your smell and I followed the trail so far. It's your cousin?

- It's Dudley, yes. Remus, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, where are they?

- I do not know, I did not see anything. Kingsley and the others will surely know more. Albus is there too, with Arthur, Mad Eye, Tonks and others.

- Remus, Lucius Malfoy was here, I saw him, I recognized his hair under the Death Eater costume. How did they know where to find me? Why did not Snape say anything?

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