The News Chapter 2

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Carly and me ran downstairs to see that my mom had made BLT's for us before the party. "Hey honey! Sit down I have some news for you." Carly and me both looked at each other as we ate are sandwich. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "The Johnson's next door finally found someone to buy there house and they're moving out tonight because the new owners are moving in tomorrow." I was kinda bummed because the Johnson's and my family have gotten really close the past couple of years. I mean we were neighbors but they told us they would stay in touch with us and they would visit a lot. "Anyways the new neighbors are moving in tomorrow and I need you to be here so we can greet them and help them if they need anything. Mrs. Johnson says they have four kids but there oldest is at collage. She said one of the boys is your age. I think there name was Grier? " as soon as my mom said that my mouth dropped and so did Carly's. "WHAT!" I yelled. Nash and Hayes have been tweeting stuff about how they're moving but they didn't say where. I couldn't believe I was gonna be neighbors with the Nash and Hayes Grier.

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