Chapter 2- Interogation

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My eyes opened slowly and all I saw was a bright light shining in my face.

I sat up and had a look at my surroundings. I was in a room with metal all around it, I definitely wasn't at the Hub.

I suddenly heard the lock click on the door and in came Agent Coulson, followed by another agent who I haven't meant before.

I reached to grab my gun from my waist but it had been taken, of course it did.

"We had to remove your weapons for a safety precaution." Coulson said as he sat in the chair across from me.

"And I thought you would have tied me up but then again thats an added bonus." I said as I leaned back in my chair, folding my arms.

"We're not here to lock you up." Coulson tried to assure me.

"Really, why should I believe you?" I asked not trusting them. That's one thing I've learnt over the years while I have been on the run don't trust anyone.

"Well you don't really have a choice." The other agent deadpanned.

"Ward." Coulson said sternly.

"Ahh, Agent Ward is it. It's nice to finally meet." I said teasing. This agent definitely doesn't like me, judging from his stance he doesn't want to be here either.

"Sir I don't trust her. We should just send her down to the fridge where she belongs." Ward tried to reason with Coulson as he gestured a hand at me.

Point proven "Yeah exactly why am I even here?" I realized.

"Fury ordered it. He asked me to invite you on as a consultant, to monitor you, to make sure you don't do anything out of the ordinary." Coulson supplied keeping his voice calm.

"As a consultant? I am a level 7 agent." I sat up straight and placed my arms on the table, leaning on them. Did he just say consultant?

"Not anymore. You got excommunicated from S.H.I.E.L.D." Ward deadpanned, his face emotionless. Though I swear I saw the most slightest grin.

"What? Since when has that ever been allowed to happen." I argued trying to hide the fact that I was really pissed.

"Since your little shenanigan devastated every agent in S.H.I.E.L.D."

Alright that's it. I shot up from my chair and lunged at Ward, pinning him against the wall. "Go on say that one more time." I threatened looking straight into his eyes. My hands were holding the collar of his shirt so that he couldn't move.

"Kiara stand down." I heard Coulson say. But I wasn't going to, I wanted to see if he would say it. My eyes are still staring into his, I could see a scared young boy who was afraid of his older brother, who was forced to beat up his little brother. And then I see him in jail, then Garret, in the woods, the dog, Skye...

I was pulled from his gaze and lost it. I couldn't believe what I saw. Coulson lead me back to my chair, Ward just stood up straight as he adjusted himself. I still looked at him, as if I was locked in a trance.

"Agent Ward you are dismissed." Coulson ordered as he moved back to his own seat.

Ward took one last look at me, annoyance displayed across his face before he barged out and slammed the door behind him.

"Sorry Wards not really the comforting type." Coulson revealed trying to be humorous. "Thought in saying that, he didn't have a right to talk to you that way." His tone was now soft and caring.

"It's fine." I gave him a reassuring nod and one of the most slightest smiles.

"Fury thought it would be a good idea instead of putting you in a cell. Nick still has faith in you, but he just needs to see it to believe it." Coulson revealed, his face filled with care.

Nick. I smiled, but it faded away. Fury had always looked out for me but I was just a disappointment.

"He always knew you were different, from the moment he met you. He owes you his life." Coulson continued. "And that's why you will be on parole."

Parole. Okay not too bad. "Will I ever earn my place back in S.H.I.E.L.D?" I ask with disbelief.

"I don't know. He shrugged. "But maybe if you co-operate you might be able to earn back your badge." He sighs, almost hoping.

All I did was nod. Great. Back to square one.

"So what do you say?" He asks.

I hesitate for a moment and think about everything that has happened. But then the voices start. Killer... Murderer... Are you sure this is the path you choose?... Is it the right one?... Or is it all a lie?...

"Ok I will do it!" I blurt out, the voices were just too much. I start to take deep breaths.

"Are you sure your okay with this?" Coulson asks just to be sure.

"Yeah." I say my breathing slowing down now. "I'm fine."

"Really 'fine'. Do you like that word or something?" He smiles as he gets out of his chair.

"It's a good way to say yes and no." I joke still remaining seated.

"Oh right." He chuckles. "I have already clarified everything with Agent Hill so we will be landing shortly to pick up your things." Coulson informed.

"Thanks..." I think for a moment landing, pick up. "Wait am I on a plane." I say with confusion.

"No, your on the 'Bus'." He hints as he slowly makes his way to the door.

"So who's the pilot?" I ask curiously. It would have to be someone good, come on this is Coulson your talking about.

"Agent Melinda May." He answered.

Oh... The Cavalry. I didn't reply instead I just nodded.

"I will send an agent in shortly to get you some water and to ask you a few questions." He said as he opened the door.


"Don't worry I won't send in Agent Ward." He assured.

"Do you trust him?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?" He asked surprised.

"Never mind." I said smiling.

"Well he is a specialist. In saying that he usually makes girls' hot off their heels." He said opening the door.

"Yes well I'm not most girls."

"I know." He finished and shut the door behind him.

It Used to be My S.H.I.E.L.D (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora