Contemplating if I should follow him, I grabbed the remote and slapped myself on my thighs, making splashing sounds. Somehow I found this utterly amusing hence I started to laugh uncontrollably.

By the time a confused Harry stood in front of me, I had tears running down my cheeks and was only laughing silently, my stomach hurting already.

“Ehm… are you okay?” Harry looked around helplessly, as if there was anyone who could provide help. His eyes flickered down to the remote in my hands, and his own hands twitched, before they sneakily pulled it away from my grip.

That was when I reached the point where my laughter hurt uncomfortably and a snort escaped my mouth. Harry banged the remote against his head and then winced from the impact, only causing me to laugh harder. I clenched my stomach and slipped down from the couch, landing ungracefully on my knees.

I didn’t see what Harry was doing, only his voice travelled over to me. “Hello, am I speaking to the Sunrise Asylum? … Yes, I would like to make an appointment for my girlfriend, she has lost her mind. … She’s 20 and physically healthy. … Yes, that’s perfect. See you tomorrow.”

It felt like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water over my head. All of a sudden, I stopped laughing and glared at Harry.

“Now it’s official. You’ve definitely gone crazy,” he said more to himself than to me and walked into his bedroom, shoulders slumped and feet scuffling.

I glared at his back until he was out of side, then I got up and laid back down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. I let my mind wander, imagining what it would be like to be in a mental institution.

Not that I would go to one, but I was aware that they existed. And surely they wouldn’t be like in American Horror Story.

I wouldn’t mind that much, though. Evan Peters was quite hot.

“What’s on your mind?” Harry’s voice snatched me back to reality. I sat up and saw him leaning on the door frame to his room.

I shrugged. “Thinking about that hot boy I saw yesterday. He gave me his number and I think I should really call him.”

Harry’s gaze darkened. Before he could say anything, I raised my hands in defense. “Kidding.”

“You better be,” he growled, attacking me before he had even finished the last word.

He jumped on the couch, pinching me back down. I tried to escape his grip, but he was too strong. Squealing, I kicked my feet everywhere – and accidentally kicked Harry where the sun didn’t shine.

He immediately let go, clenching his crotch. “Oomph,” he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I cursed, helplessly flailing my arms. “Oh god, I’m so sorry, Harry!”

Instead of crying out in pain and whining like men often did, Harry chuckled. “Kidding, you missed.”

It was still early in the afternoon, the clock read 3:24pm, and I had no intentions of getting ready just yet. Instead of going over to Adrian’s for a nice, chilled evening, Mason had suggested to go out clubbing. Everyone had agreed – me rather reluctantly.

Harry swore up and down that it was just a night out with friends, nothing bad could come out of it. Thinking about it, I had to admit, he was probably right. Lisa would get drunk – hell, most of them probably would – and we would just dance for hours on end.

“Change of plans,” I said, suppressing a yawn. “I’m going over to Lisa’s now and meet you at the club, okay?”

“Okay. C’mon, I’ll drive you,” Harry offered and I accepted. I wasn’t in the mood to take the bus right now.

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