A Conversation

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Hey, guys! So I'm a little unused to writing one shots, so I'm not quite sure if I need to put an information at the beginning here, but I thought I would try it out? Let me know if you like it like this or you want me to change it! :) Love you guys!


A Conversation: Danny. Elijah. Takes place right after the wedding.



We arrived at the airport and Elijah pulled his car up right beside the private jet. I got out of the car, feeling jittery and excited.

I still hadn't calmed down from everything that happened at the wedding even on the long drive from the bed and breakfast to the airport.

The realization that I was now married to Elijah just wouldn't stop amazing me.

Hopefully I would feel more normal tomorrow. I couldn't keep feeling like this forever. I think I might pass out from all the intense feelings if I did.

Would there ever be a day when being with Elijah and being so in love was just so normal that I didn't even think about how happy I was?

I almost hoped not.

I wanted to feel grateful and excited for this life forever.

Elijah got the bags out of the trunk as the pilot came out of the plane to greet us. My husband smiled and shook his hand. The man helped us get all our bags into the plane.

Elijah had never told me where we were going on our honeymoon, but I knew it would be amazing regardless of where we were going.

He had even packed our bags, so I didn't know what kind of weather we were going to be dressing for.

I was going to miss Grey, but he was going to be staying with Sam and I knew he would be well taken care of.

I looked around the place, remembering the last time I had been on it. The trip to France when Elijah had proposed to me was months ago, but sometimes it felt like yesterday. Then other days, it felt like years ago. It was weird how things could seem like that.

The pilot went back to the cockpit when all our bags were stored away and then Elijah pulled me over and we sat down in the same place we had last time. I wondered if this plane had ever had more people in it, or if it was usually just him alone and one other person. There was room for plenty more.

When we were sitting I tried to finally calm down from the day. I had no idea how long we were going to be on the plane, but I figured it was a long time. It was best if I used this time to relax a little. Because I was sure I would go back to being excited whenever we reached our destination and I found out where we were going to be staying during the honeymoon.

I looked up at Elijah and asked, "Did you ever consider getting a pilot's license? I mean you have your own plane."

He gave me a look with a raised eyebrow. "You do realize that I'm not Christian Grey, right? I mean, in the time we've been together you have realized that...right?"

I blushed but smacked his shoulder. He laughed and I hit him a couple more times.

"Yes, I know that! I was just curious, you big goof!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

We were quiet only a moment before he said, "Speaking of Christian Grey, you know what we've never watched together?"

I pushed him away and rolled my eyes. "I do not want to watch Fifty Shades."

"Oh, come on," he said. "It'll be fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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