He sighed and then gave me a concerned look. "Do you really need a kid to be happy?"

I frowned. "No, of course not. I'll be immensely happy living my life with you whether or not we have a child together."

He nodded his head very slowly, not saying anything but looking like he was thinking deeply.

"Elijah, I...I think it's natural for me to want to have a kid with you. Maybe not all couples go that route, but a lot do.

"I'm thirty-eight, Baby Doll," he said, eyes looking a little sad.

"So?" I pushed him a little.

"And you're only twenty."

"I don't see your point."

"Neither of us are at a good point in life to be having kids," he explained, giving me a concerned expression.

"Says who?"

I really needed to stop being so defensive. Today was our wedding day after all. Maybe I should have waited until after the honeymoon to bring up this subject. I didn't want to ruin everything for the next few days.

"Danny," he said in a serious tone. "You're too young to have kids right now. You may disagree,  but it's true. You're just barely out of your teens. You're still a kid yourself." I frowned at that but understood where he was coming from. "And me," he continued, "I'm getting up there in years. Most people would have already had kids by now. And by the time you're a good age to have kids, I'm going to be even older."

"Now that's just stupid," I said. "You're not 'getting up there in years' and I think you're still at a great age to have kids and you still will be in a couple years. That's no excuse."

"I worry, Baby Doll," he said, looking sadder.

"About what?" I asked, confused.

"Leaving you alone...or leaving you alone with a kid."

My brows furrowed, not understanding what he meant...until I did. "Don't even say things like that!" I practically shrieked. "You're not dying until you're 150, remember?" He smiled ruefully. I sighed. "Elijah, I'm not concerned and never have been about you being older than me and most likely dying before me. I know that I'm going to be able to spend many, many happy years with you. We are just like any other couple. Any other couple could lose each other at any moment, but they don't worry about it. You shouldn't worry about it either. I know we're going to spend a long, healthy, happy life together. And we would have plenty of time to spend with a child."

I'm not sure I had ever gone off on such a long rant with him before, but it had needed to be said. I didn't know that was something that he worried about. I understood why he would have those thoughts—I supposed it was normal—but it wasn't something that concerned me. I knew we would have all the time we needed.

"I'm more concerned about you getting stabbed again than I am with you dying of old age," I added with a smile.

He laughed at that. He grinned at me. "I guess that is a little more possible than me croaking at the age of thirty-eight."

I smiled, loving that he was beginning to come around.

His face became a little more serious but still open and happy. "You really want kids?"

"Yes," I said with a nod of my head.

"Okay," he said simply.

"Okay?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Okay," he repeated.

"That's it?" I asked.

"What else do you want me to say?"

"Do you mean okay as in 'okay, we can have them' or as in 'okay, you want them'?"

He smiled a little. "The first one."

I was in shock for a moment and then I launched myself at him. I wrapped practically my whole body around him and began kissing him all over his face. He chuckled, but it was on the verge of becoming a giggle and it was the most adorable thing I had ever heard.

I loved this man that was now my husband.

This man that would someday be my...

"I'm going to call you Baby Daddy from now," I told him.

"Oh god," he said before I planted my lips on his.


I hope this was a good one shot! I can tweak things in future ones if you didn't like this. Just let me know. I mean the stories won't be tweaked, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say.

I know a lot of you had been wondering if they were going to have kids or not for a long time, so I hope this answered some of your questions.

There will be a one shot about their honeymoon coming up sometime soon, but I think the next one shot is going to be about Tom and Taylor while they deal with the aftermath of what happened with Nate.

I hope to see you all then!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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