Start from the beginning

He took a step back from her, his eyes filled with agony. "No, no you don't. You can't." He told her frantically. "You love me and I love you."

She smiled sadly and shook her head. "Draco, I don't even know what love is. I thought I did but I was wrong." She answered softly and walked past him, heading back for the castle. So, it wasn't the closure she needed but it was good enough.

"Beth!" She heard Draco shout and she felt his grip on her arm, spinning her around to him. His lips were on hers and she felt the desperation in his kiss. She struggled against him, trying to push him off. She needed to get away from him and his games; she needed someone stable, someone who wouldn't hurt her. Someone like Seamus or George. But her thoughts began to scramble with every second his lips were on hers until her hands stopped fighting and she was kissing him back.

His touch seemed to heal the broken part in her and she knew how wrong it was; oh how wrong it was to feel safe in his kiss when he had been the one to break her.


June slunk up after May and Beth knew how pissed off Seamus was at her. She knew that he had a crush on her but she knew that she would never end up with him. Her being with him wasn't ever going to happen. She was so grateful for his friendship but she'd lost that because of her love for Draco. He plainly ignored her everywhere; even in their classes. Dean seemed more accepting but he stayed with his friend. She wished that she had never gotten tangled up in all the drama she'd managed to find. Even worse; her friend group had split down the middle once again.

Harry had accepted the fact that his twin loved his enemy but he seemed to be trying to close his emotions off towards her. Dumbledore's words echoed in her mind. The bond will get stronger as you both mature and until one of you dies.

Goosebumps erupted on her flesh at the thought and she closed her eyes, calming herself down. That was how it was going to end; she would die and her brother would survive. That was her destiny.


"Seriously? What's his-" Ron was speaking but the portrait door suddenly swung open, cutting him off. Everyone turned to look, surprised.

Harry rushed in, looking panicked. Beth felt the anxiety in him and grew worried. She stood up and the people around her followed suit. "What does he want? Harry, are you okay?" Hermione asked, standing beside Beth.

"I'm fine." He replied quickly, racing past them and up to the boys dormitory. There was shuffling and he flew back down, his socks in his hands. "I've got to be quick," he panted, "Dumbledore thinks I'm getting my invisibility cloak. Listen..." Harry explained to the group around him what was going on. "... so you see what this means?" he finished, meeting all of their gazes. "Dumbledore won't be here tonight, so Malfoy has a clear shot at whatever he's planning."

Beth opened her mouth to protest, her eyebrows drawing together. Hermione looked as though she were going to argue as well. But he cut them off, shaking his head. "No. I know it was Malfoy celebrating in the Room of Requirement. Here-" he handed Hermione the Marauders map, "keep an eye on him. Round up some old D.A members. You've still got those contact Galleons. Dumbledore says he put up extra protection but if Snape's involved he'll know how to get past."

Beth was in denial; complete and utter denial. She knew Draco was a death eater but he wouldn't do this. He wouldn't. She knew him better than she knew herself. "Harry-" She began, her eyes wide in disagreement.

"Don't argue with me. Take this-" he answered curtly, thrusting the socks into Ron's hands. Beth wanted to tell him that Draco couldn't possibly be doing what her twin was accusing but... a nagging feeling grew in the pit of her stomach. If Draco's family were threatened, he would do anything to help them. Was this the result? Was this why he was so desperate for her to forgive him when he had done nothing wrong? And then she remembered his words; I'm supposed to kill Dumbledore.

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