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      I took a few tentative steps closer to the headstone; almost afraid I would make any noise and consequently disturb the peace

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      I took a few tentative steps closer to the headstone; almost afraid I would make any noise and consequently disturb the peace. I kept on replaying the same image in my head — the woman had just vanished into thin air - it was almost as if I'd imagined the entire thing. I knew I didn't. It looked too real to be imaginary, and I knew wasn't going crazy. At least, not yet.

      On the other hand, I knew how unrealistic it was for someone to just vanish instantaneously. This wasn't some sort of sci-fi movie. Things like that didn't happen— so I couldn't help but doubt myself.

I felt something tap me on my shoulder three times. I yanked my head to see who it was, still on edge. Nobody was there.

I looked over at Jungkook, who was at least seven feet away from me, so there was no way that it was him. He couldn't run that fast.

My heart sunk at the realization. Was it the old lady again? "Did you just tap my shoulder?" I asked, my voice getting a little higher, almost as if to compensate for the fear in my voice. I was almost afraid of his response. I tracked my gaze to the limp flowers the woman had placed still laying next to my brothers' gravestone. Something about those bright white flowers made me uneasy. I wanted to throw them out.

"Sunny, you're scaring me. Are you sure you're okay?" He seemed worried, running a hand through his hair. He took a step closer to me and I instinctively took one back. He seemed hurt by my action. I sighed; I didn't mean to offend him.

I nodded my head quickly. "Yeah, I- I am fine. I just, need some time with Seung alone, I guess." I didn't want to think about that woman. Today was about my brother. I needed to spend my thoughts on him. He deserved my full attention. Jungkook looked at me, and exhaled loudly.

"Well, I'll be waiting for you at the gates, okay? You can take as long as you need. Remember, it's okay to cry. Let it out. Love you." He half smiled and turned around, walking in the direction of the entryway. I really was grateful for Jungkook.

Once he was far enough, I found myself sitting at the edge of my brothers' headstone. I traced the familiar engraving of his name with my finger, and pulled out the cloth I'd brought with me. I used it to wipe all the excess dirt off the stone, which had covered the message my mother added at the bottom- 'young, but never forgotten.'

"Did you see the woman?" I jumped out of fear and looked to see where the voice was coming from. It was a pale boy, with blonde hair that covered his eyes. He was dressed in all black, except for a bright red hoodie which brought out his cheeks that were rosy because of the cold weather. I instinctively gripped my cellphone in my jacket pocket almost as a sense of protection. I had Jungkook on speed dial if anything were to happen.

"Do you normally target girls who are alone grieving in a cemetery?" I sneered, turning away from him. I didn't mean to be rude, the comment just flowed out of me before I was able to stop it. I ignored his comment about the woman. He must've heard what I'd said to Jungkook and wanted to make fun of me. I was not in the mood to deal with people. Especially today.

"Geez, why are you so bitter?" He scoffed, kicking the leaves that were once laying peacefully on the ground. "Forgot to take your happy pill this morning?"

I looked over at the boy in disgust. "You do realize we are in a cemetery?"

"Thanks! I thought we were at McDonalds." He smirked. Placing the hood of his sweatshirt over his messy hair. "I wondered why nobody was taking my order. I could really go for some chicken nuggets right about now."

"Is there a point to all this? Because if you don't mind, I've got some grieving to do." I snapped. He kneeled down so that his deep brown eyes were in line with mine. His brown eyes looked into mine and for some reason I wasn't able to look away.

"Did you see the woman?" He whispered, not breaking his gaze from mine. I couldn't believe he was still making fun of me. "The grey-haired woman."

"You're an asshole." I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. I got up from the ground and dusted off the dirt that was on my pants. I began walking to the entryway to meet back up with Jungkook.

"How am I the asshole?" He questioned, following me. "You know, I heard you."

"You're making fun of me. Trying to make me seem crazy." I said hastily, picking up my pace. I wished he would leave me alone. "News flash, today is not the day you want to mess with me. Not today." He caught up with me and put his hand on my shoulder, causing me to stop walking. That touch seemed too familiar. Goosebumps erupted all over my body. He stood behind me, giving me an uneasy feeling. Something wasn't right. Why wouldn't he leave me alone.

"Did she touch your shoulder like this?" He whispered in my ear. I didn't respond. I clenched my jaw and looked straight ahead. His voice sent chills down my spine. "That's how it all starts, you know." Before I was able to ask what he meant by that, I saw a familiar face turn the corner.


A wave of relief washed over me, almost as if I knew I was safe as soon as he was with me.

"Sun Jung?"  He asked, walking up to me.

"Yeah? I-" but before I could even finish the sentence, Jungkook came up to me and hugged me tight. Surprised by his actions, but comforted at the same time, I hugged him back. The familier smell of his cologne made my heart warm.

"I'm so proud of you. You're so strong. I can't even imagine what you're going through. I know I wouldn't have made it this far."

When he released his grip from me, I turned around, to see if the boy was still there.

He was gone.

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