Chapter 33: My Gentleman

Start from the beginning

"I'm okay, sweetie. It's probably just a sprained ankle."

Owen raised a dubious eyebrow. "'Just a sprained ankle?' It sure looks a bit more than 'just a sprained ankle.' My God, you passed out, Claire. You passed out."

Claire smirked despite herself. "Did I hear some concern in your voice, Mr. Grady? Or are my ears fooling me?"

At this, Owen rolled his eyes. "You've probably hurt your ears in the process, too."

"Don't worry!" Gray commented eagerly. "Last time I checked, you don't need ears for getting in bed!"

"Check again," Owen said dryly. Claire choked on her saliva and slapped him in horror, but he merely winked at her teasingly. She glared harshly at him. Who's been teaching my innocent little Gray? I swear, it better not be Owen. I will seriously murder him. And he can kiss his dreams of getting in bed with me goodbye.

Gray grew impatient at the couple's playful banter. "It's true! Zach told me that all you need is a snake and a burrow so that the snake can crawl into its burrow, right, Zach?"

Claire was horrified and she shot Zach a dirty look. Of course it was Zach. Of course. Behind her, Owen let out a laugh until Claire's stern look commanded him to contain his amusement. He couldn't help but grin, though, as Zach's ears turned bright red at Gray's accusation. He shared a sheepish look with Owen and avoided his aunt's glare. During the dinosaur fight, Gray had been on the verge of a panic attack, and as the older brother, Zach knew that he would be in deep trouble with his mother if he let his younger brother pass out in front of him. Unfortunately, the first thing that had come to Zach's mind was...

"But I still don't get it," Gray continued, oblivious to everyone else's reaction. "Why do you need a snake and a burrow? I thought you just needed pillows and blankets. And my stuffed teddy bear. I don't think I have a snake. Do you have a snake that I can borrow, Zach? Owen? Aunt Claire?"

Owen roared in laughter and he elbowed Claire in the side. "Hey, Ms. Dearing, your nephew is asking whether or not you have a snake for him to borrow!" He squeezed her thigh affectionately and rather suggestively.

Claire punched his arm and cleared her throat. "Alright, Gray. That's enough. We don't need to talk about -all this- right now. And Zach," she turned to her older nephew. "I'll be having a word with you." She gave him a pointed look and he nodded in embarrassment.

"Wait, will you be giving him a snake? Why can't I get one, Aunt Claire?" Gray whined, unaware of how moronically naive he was. Zach stifled a laugh, though it managed to come out in the form of a choking snort. Owen didn't even try to cover his sniggering, much to Claire's frustration.

"You-you already have a-" Zach began hysterically.

"Enough!" Claire cried, cutting Zach off before he could completely tarnish Gray's innocence. "That is enough, boys."

"Aww, but Aunt-"

"Hush, both of you. We should be getting inside already before the rain starts again."

Both boys glanced quickly at Owen, showing how they already looked up to him almost as if he were their uncle. He shrugged. "Listen to your no-fun aunt, I guess. Or face her wrath. But I recommend you listen to her if you'd like to live another day."

Claire gasped and punched him again. Is it possible to love and hate someone at the same time? Owen gave her his ever-charming smirk, his green eyes glittering like the rippling waters of a brook. Even now, his smile continued to speed Claire's heart rate and his affectionately gentle touch sent tingles through her skin.

Zach and Gray dragged themselves to their feet tiredly, the adrenaline starting to wear off. Claire struggled to sit up. I am not letting Owen carry me into the building. My pride has suffered enough today... Unfortunately for her, Owen could easily read her mind and he sighed loudly.

"You're not actually going to stand, are you?"

Claire reddened. "Owen, I'm fine." Her leg was practically screaming in pain as she attempted to stand.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You cannot hide a single damn thing from me. You are clearly not fine."

"Owen-" Claire's indignant retort was cut off by Owen's bold swooping move. Before she could let out a proper gasp, she was already bundled in his arms.

"What the hell? Put me down immediately!" Claire cried, writhing in his firmly masculine grip. Her face felt like it was on fire as she noticed her nephews observing them with interest. God, it can't get any worse, can it?

Owen ignored her. "You boys start walking to that building over there, the one that's all lit up. We'll be right behind you."

Zach and Gray nodded and, with another quick glance at their aunt, headed toward the large building. Good luck with our aunt, Owen.

Owen turned to Claire, a mischievous grin planted on his face. She, on the other hand, was not amused, though she had ceased struggling in his arms.

"You damn son of a-"

"Ladies shouldn't cuss, Ms. Dearing," Owen commented. Claire raised an eyebrow.

"Gentlemen shouldn't either."

"Aww, c'mon Claire. I ain't no gentleman."

"And I 'ain't' no lady."

"Yes, you are. You're my lady."

"That doesn't even... God, I hate you so much. You are just... just completely unbearable!"

"'Course you hate me. You hate people who make you blush whenever you talk, don't you?"

"What... I'm not blushing!"

"You're blushing, trust me. But it's the cutest thing I've ever seen, so I'll let it go."

Claire reddened even more, and she could feel the waves of heat bathing her cheeks. Her mind was blank and unable to focus on anything other than the fact that Owen found her cute. Why should I even care? Why does it even matter? Why do I feel like this all of a sudden? How does he always know how to make me feel like this? What is this man doing to me?

Owen smirked. "Nothing to say, Claire?"

She snapped back to reality and quickly averted her gaze to her hands. There were small red cuts running down her fingers and her palms were smeared with dirt and dinosaur dung. Funny how it feels like it's been weeks since this entire disaster began. Since I had to rub dinosaur crap all over myself. Since Owen kissed me in front of those dying dinosaurs.

"Are your hands that interesting to look at?" Owen asked with a touch of teasing mischief. Claire whipped her head up and blushed for the umpteenth time.

"Oh, no... uh... they're just cut up..." Hastily, she added, "But they're fine. It's fine."

Owen merely smiled fondly at her and encircled her hands with his. He brought her hands to his lips and kissed them softly. Clare's breathing hitched audibly as she felt his prickly facial hair rub against her skin. He pressed another kiss to her neck before working his way slowly up to her lips. Claire clenched her jaw to keep herself from whimpering. But as Owen continued to shower her in sweet kisses, she felt her muscles start to relax.

When he pulled away, both of them were breathless, as if the kisses had consumed every molecule of oxygen. With both of them unsure of what to say, Owen simply flashed Claire his mesmerizing smile. He tightened his arms around her and began heading toward the large building. If the two squinted, they could barely make out the shapes of Claire's nephews reaching the steps of the building.

Claire wrapped her arms around Owen's neck and leaned against his shoulder. She closed her eyes tiredly but couldn't resist a smile. He's so good to me. He's so, so good to do this for me. I'm no lady, but he's definitely a gentleman. He's my gentleman.

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