Chapter 9 The Bachelor Party Part 2

Start from the beginning

This can't be happening. What am I supposed to do? I guess I have to tell Seth the bad news and the ring was expensive. I'm a really bad girlfriend.

*Sabrina Monologue Ends*

Sabrina: Seth I have some bad news. Promise me not to get mad at me.

Seth: Babe what did you do this time.

Now back to Total Divas

Sabrina Monologue

So I was going to the bathroom and then when I look at the sink my engagement ring wasn't there. Now I was starting to panicked because Seth gave me an expensive ring and guess what I lost it.

*Sabrina Monologue Ends*

Sabrina: Hey guys have you seen my Engagement ring. I put it on the bathroom and it is not in there.

Have and chance you girls may have taken it by accident.

All the Girls said No

Sabrina Monologue

This can't be happening. What am I supposed to do? I guess I have to tell Seth the bad news and the ring was expensive. I'm a really bad girlfriend.

*Sabrina Monologue Ends*

Sabrina: Well I guess I have to tell Seth that I lost my engagement ring. What will he say? I'm so nervous.

Maryse Monologue

Okay this is fun and all but seriously Becky just give Sabrina her ring because she is seriously nervous and I think she will start crying and she is going to tell Seth. I think Becky should stop.

*Maryse Monologue Ends*

Sabrina: *Went upstairs to go call Seth* *Calling Seth*

Becky Monologue

Okay I know I went too far but come on it just having fun. We are in Cabo. We are supposed to have fun. Okay fine I will give her back her ring. But I want to see Seth Reaction and what he says.

*Becky Monologue Ends*

Sabrina: Hello Babe

Seth: Hey baby what wrong why are you calling me.

*All the girls went upstairs to hear Sabrina and Seth conversation*

Sabrina: Seth I have some bad news. Promise me not to get mad at me.

Seth: Babe what did you do this time.

Sabrina: Um.... I lost the engagement ring. I'm sorry baby. I know this is all my fault. I should have put it away when I was washing my hands. I'm so sorry baby. Please don't get mad at me. I love you. *Sobs*

Seth: Babe, Don't cry. I don't care if you lose the engagement ring. I will never get mad at you. NEVER! I love you honey. I will always love you no matter what. I could buy you another one. But with rock that means about us. I thought you did something wrong. I was so worry. I thought somebody started to do something to you.

Sabrina: Aww Thank you babe. I love you to. I miss you a lot. I hope you having a great time and I promise to always be careful. I love you honey.

Seth: Love you to Sweetheart. Can't wait for you to come back and hug you and cuddle you all night

Sabrina: Me to honey talk to you later. Bye Love

Seth: Bye sweetheart.

*Ends Calls*

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