Chapter Three Our First Fight as a Couple

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"You mess with her. I'm going to break you Bitch you hear me." – Becky Lynch

"I sure fight for my own battle and I do hell pay for my own bill because I sure damn wear the pants in my relationship." – Nikki Bella

Sabrina Monologue

I had a really strange dream that Seth was abusive of me and hurt me. I really had a weird dream.

*Sabrina Monologue End*

Seth: Good Morning Babe. Did you sleep well or did you have a bad dream.

Sabrina: I had a really weird dream.

Seth: Well how about you tell me your really weird dream.

Sabrina: Ok where do I start? That you and me were together and got married until then You got drunk and abusive. You were so mad, you hurted me and *cries*

Seth: It's okay babe. Tell me and if you don't want to then you don't have to. It's just a dream. It wouldn't harm you because I will never harm you or hurt you because I love you babe.

Sabrina: Thanks Babe. You left me with another girl and that you said to me that you don't need me anymore and then you said, "everything we have been through, you think for a second I believe in you." You said that "I am a liar and a cheater." *sobbing and started to cry*

Seth: It's okay babe. It was just a dream. I will never, in a million will say that to you because I love you and you know that. I will never say those disgusting words because I Love you with all my heart babe. *Kisses her forehead and her lips*

Sabrina: Thank You Babe. I love you to and I'm happy that I have you in my life. I Love you to babe. *kisses back with passion*

Coming up on Total Divas

Becky: Hey Sabrina. Is that your Ex-Boyfriend from High School?

Sabrina: OMG! Yes, it's my boyfriend from High School.

Sabrina Monologue

I can't believe it. My Ex-Boyfriend from High School is here. Like literally, he is here. Why is this happening to me? If Seth founds out he is my Ex-Boyfriend he will literally flip.

*Sabrina Monologue Ends*

Sabrina: Hey, Jackson.

Seth: Sabrina Why didn't you tell me that you had a boyfriend in High School?

Sabrina: Seth, I was going to tell you.

Seth: When, Never.

Sabrina Monologue

I can't believe this is happening. Seth is mad at me. He will never forgive me. I know I should have told him But I forgot seriously everyone forgets things but what the big deal that I didnt tell him about my ex-boyfriend if he never told me about his ex-girlfriend. PSH! I want things to go back to normal where it was. I hate when this happen. This is our first fight as a couple. Seth will never forgive me for this. I'm sorry Seth and I hope everything goes well with us and don't want to break our relationship. I don't want us to be over. *cries and sad*

*Sabrina Monologue Ends*

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Becky Monologue

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