Ch. 18

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Harry jumped at the sudden appearance of Draco and Blaise in his doorway, giving them a confused look. Before he could say anything though, Draco cut him off.

"We were attacked," Draco started.

"And they took the girls," Blaise added.

Harry stood up immediately and grabbed his wand, stuffing it into his back pocket as he asked, "From your manors?"

Draco nodded, agitated. "They were in Blaise's manor first, and then followed them to mine."

"Let's go back to your manor," Harry said quickly. "Maybe they left something that could tell us where they took the girls."

The two Veelas nodded and Draco grabbed Harry's arm before disapparating out of the office, landing quickly in his living room. Harry looked around and stared at the charred body of Macnair before looking back at Draco.

"Don't look at me, that was Blaise," Draco said, putting his hands up defensively.

Blaise landed next to them and said, "Mate, the cellar is still on fire."


The three of them ran to the cellar where there was a gaping hole in the wall from Draco blasting the door off. Blaise looked at the remains of the door and then back up at Draco, raising an eyebrow.

He was about to open his mouth when Draco held up a hand and said, "If you say anything about me blasting doors off, I will personally tell your wife every embarrassing secret you have."

Blaise immediately closed his mouth and scowled at Draco before turning back to the cellar. The fire had spread to the base of the stairs but luckily nothing above the cellar seemed to be affected.

"Aguamenti," Draco muttered, pointing his wand towards the flames at the base of the stairs.

Water poured from the tip of his wand, and as the fire started to recede, the other two wizards joined him in putting out the fire, the three of them splitting off to tackle different areas.

"So what happened?" Harry called out over his shoulder as he worked on one corner of flames.

"We got the girls from Malfoy Manor and went home for the night," Blaise started loudly. "Ginny and I were walking up the stairs in our manor when I noticed something was off, so I grabbed her and apparated us into the living room here."

"When they appeared, the four of us apparated down here," Draco took over. "We told the girls to stay put down here while we searched the house, and to put protective charms on the door so that no one could get through."

Harry finished with his portion of the fire and went to help Draco. "Then what?"

"Blaise and I searched the house and found nothing until we got back to the living room," Draco continued. "Macnair ended up being in the corner of the living room and Dolohov attacked us from behind. I managed to subdue Dolohov while Blaise took Macnair."

"But when I tried getting information out of Macnair, he said that all they were supposed to do was distract us," Blaise said.

They successfully managed to put the fire out and gathered in the middle of the cellar, all facing each other. Draco rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "When I realized what was happening, I ran to the cellar, blasted the door off, and found that the girls had been taken."

"And then you lit everything on fire?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not on purpose!" Draco scowled at Harry. 

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