Front Yard Beatdown: Amara

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"What the hell are you doing?!" He asked, quickly walking toward us. I guess he noticed Montre's forming black eye and his bloody nose.

He looked like he was about to pull me off of his brother. "Touch me and I'll do you worse than him." I said calmly. He took another look at his brother and backed up a couple of steps.

"Wow. It really be ya own niggas." Montre said groaning because of the lack of help. I turned to face him.

"You're new here so I'll give you a bit of leeway for now. But I will put you ALL outside. I'm nice as long as I'm respected alright?" I told him calmly. I saw his jaw clench before he looked toward the closed blinds that concealed Kyleighs room, then nodded his head.

"Now that that's cleared up, let's go into town." Adam said. I nodded and hurriedly went into the house to strap on my equipment. When I was done I went to the garage where my dad was, him and Noah.

I let out a groan. "Does he have to come? Somebody needs to stay and watch Kyleigh and with the beating  Montre got I don't think he'll be up to it."

"He'll be just fine Mar', now come on." My dad told me as him and Noah settled into the golf cart.

I huffed and went to the front seat which Noah occupied and stared at him until he got the hint to move to the back, which he did. When I regained my rightful seat, we speeded toward the town.

"What are we going for?" I asked while readjusting my gun holster.

"We have to check out the new comers. Do you really trust those imbeciles to keep the bitten out?" My dad gave a dry chuckle.

Considering their track record so far, it's surprising the entire town hasn't been obliterated, but then again we haven't made it there yet.

When we arrived it looked almost normal, aside from the dried blood in random places. We parked the cart in front of the town jail and headed into it on foot. On the inside there were 3 weary, tired cops guarding cells that had about 10 people in them.

"Mornin' officers. We're here to check for any bites, scratches, or signs of infection." Adam said to them.

One officer let out a gigantic yawn and proceeded to give me a side eye which I rolled my eyes at. "No offense but I don't think the girl should be doing this, it could get a bit dangerous." He said with a sloppy shrug.

"No offense but I took down more than half of the dead that came back in this town while you were nowhere to be found, probably sitting on your ass. That got dangerous." I spoke with a sweet smile. The cop turned red in the face while his comrades chuckled at him.

They didn't help either so I don't know why they're laughing.

The cops let us past them and after they unlocked the cells. There were 4 men and 6 women, separated by gender in each cell. I went in with the women by myself while my dad and Noah went to the men.

"Hi ladies, I'm Amara and I'm gonna' check you guys for any sign of infection." Some of them nodded while some didn't do anything. They formed a small line for me to go by.

I checked legs, arms, sides, and collarbones, if they were bitten in a more...... intimate part then oh well.

The first 3 women were clear but when I got to the 4th woman, an older woman in about her 40's, she had a small bite on the side of her neck.

A child bite.

I looked at her, she had unshed tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry." I whispered. She looked at me with a sad smile. She knew she was going to die one way or another.

"Do whatever you have to do sweetheart. It's okay. Tell him I love him."

I nodded then looked at the other girls and they turned around, a few crying by now. I took the sheet off the small bed and layed it on the ground. Me and the woman stood over the sheet. She closed her eyes tightly, clasped her hands together and started praying. I pulled out my knife.

I've never killed a person before. Not a fully alive one. I put the knife against her skull and imagined her as if she was already dead, I turned my head and closed my eyes and pushed the knife into the side of her head just above her ear, ending her prayers.

Her body fell down but I quickly caught it and lowered her onto the ground. Out of respect I wrapped her up.

I took a moment to regain my composure before I finished checking the other women, the rest were clear.

We walked out of the cell, where the officers, My dad, Noah, and 2 men where standing. One of the men looked over the women with a hopeful look on his face, until he came to the end of our line, his face fell.

"Where's Maddy? Where's my wife?" He asked with a quiver in his voice. I dropped my head and shook it a bit, he burst into tears.

I explained about her bite to him after he had calmed down a bit. I was about to walk away when I suddenly remembered.

"Sir?" I called out. He turned around with bloodshot eyes.

"She said she loves you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2019 ⏰

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