8. you're unbelievably idiot

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dear diary,
hah i've made an achievement. guess what? i made donghyuck feel jealous. to be honest i just forgot to wear it today but it's always with me anyways. he became jealous because i wore mark's gift but i forgot to wear his so yeah. he took it from me and made me wear it by himself. he told me to always wear it so i will, i don't want my best friend/ crush to be disappointed tho.


y/n was hugging the huge teddy bear while laying on her bed until she felt something inside its tummy.

she was confused and thought that there might have something in there that's why it's so heavy.

and so she enthusiastically took off its jumpsuit, revealing a pocket inside its tummy.

she gaped as she saw what's inside it, there's a lot of chocolates, her favourite, one tiny box and a written letter.

did i get you there? of course because you're dumb haha. i bet you never thought that something's inside. well, what would i expect with an idiot like you tho, right? kidding. it's your birthday today! why is it always your day? you're getting older and older and still you have me, us. more birthdays to come that you're with us, baby! i hope you'll hug the teddy bear every night when you misses me :> and the chocolates, i bought too many of them because i know they're your favourite. eat them while hugging the fluffy bear. and also, i bought you a necklace, obviously and has a sun pendant on it so you'll always feel you're with me even if we're always together, lmao. and bish it's so freaking expensive so better take care of it. that's it, this is getting longer. so happy birthday once again, i love you! mark and i do!

- knight and shining sun :>


"i was thinking, what should i do in- ya what are you looking at?" y/n almost punched donghyuck on the face when she noticed that he was staring on her neck.

"why aren't you wearing my gift?" he said.

"oh, uh, that? i forgot to wear it, hehe." she made a peace sign while smiling awkwardly.

"and you're wearing mark's, i'm jealous again." he then pouted.

"sorry~ don't worry, i have it with me anyways. tada!" she took the necklace out from her pocket and showed it to donghyuck.

"don't you know how much is this? it took my one month allowance." he said in a matter-of-fact tone and took the thing from the girl.

"always wear it, i should always see this on you whenever i'm around or whenever i am not, just don't forget it, okay?" he added while putting it onto y/n's neck.

while the girl was just nodding her head, as her heart thumped a million times than usual but tried to stop it to not make it obvious that she's flustered.

"i-i will, i promise." she smiled.

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