Kevin walked in and he was wearing a black T-Shirt and blue jeans. casual.

"You look great Kevin" I smiled.

He smiled back.

Minutes later we heard a knock at the door. I went to open it. It was Harry. he was wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans. That shirt makes his tattoos pop out. I didn't even notice he had tattoos until now.

Harry interrupted my thoughts "ready to go guys"

We followed Harry to his car.

"I call front seat!" I yell and immediately regretted what I said when I turned to look at Kevin.

Harry helped me in while Kevin helped my baes in.

We drove off to the party🎶🍻🎉🎈


We arrived at the party, we all got off and walked in the building.

I saw people dancing and doing inappropriate stuff🙊.

I danced a few songs. I was dancing my favorite some when a guy started to talk dirty to me.

"Hey babe want to have some fun"

"No thanks" I walked away but he grabbed my arm.

"C'mon it will be fun" he grabbed my a$$.

"WTF" I slapped him as hard as I could but that didn't stop him.

"Leave her alone" Harry walked in to the rescue.

That guy just left.

"Are you ok"

"Yeah I'm fine thank you Harry"

"Follow me"

I followed him to the backyard.

(Kevin's POV)

I drank my 2nd shot of vodka. I haven't seen (Y/N) around for a while now. I started to look for her but no signs of her. I saw Carmen sitting at the couch on a guys lap.

I walked towards her

"Have you seen (Y/N)"

"She's in the backyard follow me"

I followed her to the backyard.

When we were out I couldn't believe my eyes.

Harry and (Y/N) were kissing.

"Omg Kevin"

I felt anger flush through me. I walked towards them. I pushed Harry off and punched him in the face.

"WTF Kevin stop!" I heard (Y/N) scream.

(Your POV)

Thy are going to kill them selves. I started to freak out.

"Stop it guys!" I yelled as hard as I could but they wouldn't listen.

Someone walked towards us.

He separated Harry and Kevin.

"Dejenme deja le doy unos buenos putasos" Kevin yelled. They were both covered with blood.

"Stop it Kevin!" he turned to look at me.

Harry did also.

"You guys are crazy" I walked away from them.

I didn't want to be here anymore. I'm walking home.

I felt a someone grab my arm. it was Kevin.

I yanked my arm away.

"WTF is wrong with you Kevin!"

"You and him you gu-"

He saw us kiss.

"So that doesn't mean you have to beat the crap out of him"

I push him.

"Ouch" he was holding his chest.

I just sighed.

"I'm walking home"

"No it's dark you don't know who is out there"

"I don't give a shit who's out there I don't want to be with you or Harry right now ok"

I walked away as he didn't follow me.

I walked home.

(Kevin's POV)

I missed up bad this time but I couldn't stop my self. when I saw them kiss I got mad. why can't she understand that I love her.

I decided to walk home to.

I was a couple of feet away from (Y/N). I could tell she was crying. I wanted to hug her but right now is not the time.


We arrived home. She walked in her house and I walked to mine.

My parents are probably going to freak out when they see me.

I opened the door. I was relieved when my parents weren't home.

I walked to the living room.

"K te paso Kevin" Gera said from the couch.

"I got in a fight"

"Pork y com kien"

"Vide a (Y/N) and a guy kiss I got mad ad punched him but he punched me back and that's how it started"

He sighed "hay Kevin who was it"

"Un talk Harry styles"

"Oh, lets get you cleaned up"

I heard someone open the door. it was my mom. when she saw me she freaked out.

"K te paso Kevin" she ran to me

"Nada ama"

"Hay Kevin luego me platicas vamos a curarte"

I followed her to the restroom

After she finished. I looked at my self in the mirror. I have a black eye.

I got undressed since I was going to take a shower. I noticed a few bruises on my body.

I sighed.

(Carmen's POV)

"Dang Harry he got you good" I was cleaning his bruises he had.

"That's what I get for following you-"

"Shut up Harry"

He sighed.

I was finally cleaning him up.

I left him in his room and walked to another room where Ana was sleeping.

I laid in bed thinking a way to get Kevin to like me.

Broken(Kevin Ortiz)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя