The First Day pt.2

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A/N Hey guys, so with school holidays coming up, so I'll hopefully be updating more often then I am at the moment. Also, atm, I am watching Black Butler, so just be wary, there may be references from there. Also in the comments, what do you think of this photo?

 Also in the comments, what do you think of this photo?

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I think it's funny.

Hanji's POV.

We all head to our first class, History. Oh course Levi is going to wag. He says History is boring, but I somehow persuaded him to go to this History lesson, as we have to go to the Welcoming Ceremony. We walked towards our History class. Levi stopped for a few seconds, then kept walking.
"Why did you stop Leviosa?"
"Tch, none of your business Four Eyes"

Levi's P.O.V

Why does this first year have to look more tough than I do. Why does Four Eyes have to be in my business all the time, it's annoying! Oh course she has to ask why I stopped, and use my stupid nickname. Why am I even friends with this crazy scientist anyway? At least Eyebrows didn't ask anything.......yet.

Hanji's P.O.V

"We should get a move on, or we might be late," I said.
We continued to walk, we stopped outside our History classroom, where we entered and took our seats, and waited for Mr. Pyxis to enter. (Don't know how to spell his name)
"Morning class!" Mr. Pyxis shouted as he enters the room.
"Morning Mr. Pyxis!" We all answered.
"Ah, I see you are joining us today Mr. Ackerman. Did you get lonely, or something?"
"No, Four Eyes bribed me with bleach (idk, I had to think about that for a solid 20 mins) to come."
I snickered as I hadn't bribed him with bleach.
My laughter got the better of me.......I burst out laughing, at the fact that Levi was lying to the scariest teacher here. Everyone was looking at me, giving me weirded out looks.
"Something funny Zoe?"
"Yes, very." I say "I didn't bribe Levi with bleach"
As I said that, I watched Levi's expression turn into one that would easily kill someone in a second. And before I knew it, the whole class was laughing at how Levi had lied to someone who isn't scared to fail you.
"Ackerman.....see me after school." And with that, Mr. Pyxis took the attendance, and took us to the main hall for the welcoming ceremony.

~time skip, brought to you by me being lazy and not bothering to write what happened in the welcoming ceremony~

So it's time to find who we are sharing our dorms with, I'm just not hoping it's not a guy, as that should be very awkward. As our stuff has been already dropped off to our dorms, we don't need to worry about walking around with very heavy stoof.

"See ya in 30?" I ask.
"Sure", "ok", "fine whatever".
"Also Mike, don't sniff your new roommate, they will think you are weird."
"Ok" Mike walks towards the direction of his dorm. (Btw, they have pieces of paper saying their dorm number).
"See ya later!" I call as I head towards the direction of my dorm.

I left you on a cliff hanger, hehe.
So this chapter is done, on with the next..... which I don't know what to write, so remember to give suggestions in the comments, bai for now.


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