8. Uncovering the Truth🧁

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"Lani!" Casey snapped. "Don't call her that."

Lani's expression softened. "Sorry, but after everything she's put you through, she deserves to be cussed out."

"Not in front of Wyatt."

At least Wyatt was too preoccupied with his show. Casey knew he needed to talk with him about his mom, but not now. Not until he figured out how to go about it. Veronica loves him, but she almost got him killed. If Casey could, he'd shelter his son from ever knowing about it and forget she even existed.

"I'm sorry," Lani said, moving off the couch. "Sorry, Wyatt. But I'll watch this with you another time, okay? I'm about to head out with some friends. Don't wait up for me, cuz I'll probably stay the night with Audrey."

"Lani," Casey started, reaching out for her arm, but pulled away. Maybe she just needed time alone. He hadn't meant to snap at her, but Casey didn't want his family saying horrendous things about Wyatt's mom right in front of him.

"Give her space," Mr. Lockhart said.

Casey nodded. "Yeah, I will."

After his dad made his way into the kitchen, Casey made his way over to his son on the couch. He reached over for the remote, pausing the movie. Wyatt didn't complain; he simply gazed up at him with those adorable, doleful brown eyes of his.

"There's something important I want to tell you, okay? I'm sure you've been curious about your mom and where she's gone."

"Mommy's coming home?" Wyatt asked, his face lighting up.

Casey shook his head. "No, she's not coming home. She won't be coming home for a really long time. She did a bad thing, remember? She hurt people and you."

Wyatt looked down at the floor. "Mommy's mad at me? For telling on her?"

"No, Wyatt. She's not mad at you. She's just not been able to talk to you. Remember how we went to court, yeah? So you live with me now," Casey explained. "I wanted to tell you this because you're probably going to hear people talk about your mom again. Like Lani."

"Lani hates Mommy," Wyatt said. "She makes you sad. I don't want you to be sad, Daddy."

Casey ruffled up his hair. "Well, it's hard to talk about her but I don't want you to forget about your mom. You can talk about her whenever you want with me. She did some awful things, but she loves you very much. I just wish she'd stayed with us."

"I miss Mommy." Wyatt snuggled up in his arms.

"Me too, but we'll always have each other, okay? No matter what happens, I'll be there for you."

Casey resumed the movie that he probably could've recited by heart now. Careful not to disturb Wyatt, Casey slid his phone out of his pocket and checked for new messages from August. His plan had been to sneak away and let Lani watch Wyatt, but he'd have to change things up now since she left for the night.

Biting on his lower lip, Casey looked down at his son in his arms. Maybe he could lie to his father about needing to grab some groceries. Surely he wouldn't mind watching him for a few minutes while he went and spoke to August. Nobody needed to know that he'd stayed in contact with the gangster.


Voices chattered all around him in the middle of Magnolia cafe. Casey checked his phone for the time, hoping August hurried up. They agreed to meet there in a public setting, but Casey had told his father he'd be grabbing some quick groceries and heading home.

Maybe this was a mistake. He shouldn't have reached out to August at all. Considering he'd been someone Veronica sent to spy on him, he should've told him to fuck off or reported his stalking to the police. Just as Casey decided he ought to leave, the cafe door opened, letting in a rush of wind as August stepped inside.

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