16. Weed Cupcakes and Cheaters🧁

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In the middle of the bakery, Fredia clutched his father's hands in both hers. Desperation shone in her lustful eyes as he tried to break out of her grip. Mr. Lockhart's gaze met Casey's, who stood at the entrance with a whirlwind of emotions flowing through him.

"Mam, you've been mistaken. I have no idea who you are, so please let go," Mr. Lockhart snapped, yanking his hands from her sparkly polished claws.

"Your kids already know," Fredia said. "They used your account to find me. It's over now. We don't have to hide anymore."

Casey heard the door open behind him; a brush of cold air pelting his nape as he clenched fists. Nothing prepared him for the confrontation. All words abandoned him as he glared at his father and his mistress. Lani came up on his side while August remained behind him, neither speaking up.

It was too late for excuses. He couldn't lie his way out of this. No matter how much he pleaded his innocence or played ignorant, the jig was up. He'd been cheating on their mom all this time.

"How could you do this?" Casey asked, voice trembling as he grit his teeth together.

"Casey. Lani. You've gotta understand, this is all a misunderstanding," Mr. Lockhart explained. "I have no idea who this woman is."

"I found the messages on your computer and reached out to Fredia," Lani told him. "When she left the diner, she came straight here. Why would she do that if she doesn't know you?"

Mr. Lockhart raised his hands in defeat; expression conveying nothing but confusion. "I don't know. I've never been on any sites like that, messaging women. I love your mom. I've never been unfaithful to her. You have to believe me."

Fredia tried to show him her phone, but Mr. Lockhart ignored her and kept his attention focused on Casey and Lani. A handful of customers paused their conversations to eavesdrop, munching on their sweets and enjoying it like an entertaining reality drama.

Casey wanted to believe his father, but how could he with Frieda standing right there? She knew where he worked and they found that chat on their dad's computer. There was no other explanation for it. He had to be cheating.

Before Casey had a chance to respond, a rush of wind came up behind him as the door walloped open. Lani rushed out, not bothering to spare a glance back at them. August crept out behind her, leaving Casey all alone at the entrance of their bakery.

Curious eyes searched him like hungry vultures as his throat tightened up. His dad pleaded with him to understand, coming around the tables, nearing him. Casey took a few steps back toward the door, his hands reaching out for the knob before gently pushing it open. Mr. Lockhart stopped in front of him, but Casey didn't want to listen.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I just can't. Not here. Not now," Casey told him. "I need to get home to Wyatt. Just cut my pay for the day."

Casey didn't look back, despite how much it hurt to walk away from his father. Let him handle his mistress. He didn't care about leaving work. His dad could close without him. While Casey needed the money, he couldn't just work like normal as his dad made excuses for cheating on their mom.

All those people gawking at him sent his anxiety into overdrive. He needed air; a place where he could breathe without feeling them closing in around him.

"Hey, you good?" August asked, leaning back against the bakery's exterior, smoking a cigarette.

"No." Casey shook his head, wiping at his eyes before the tears could fall. He wouldn't cry in front of him like a baby. "We should leave."

August nodded, retrieving his keys to unlock the doors. Casey wasted no time climbing in, folding his arms across his chest as he shivered. Resentment burned in the back of his throat and he worried he'd break out in sobs if he tried to speak.

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