KJ || Becoming Part of the Paparrazi

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Tagged: colesprouse and lilireinhart

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Tagged: colesprouse and lilireinhart

kjapa: DiD i bLeNd iN WiTh ThE pApArRaZi??

Likes: 104.1k Comments: 2619

colesprouse: I feel like I'm being stalked everywhere I go now..

lilireinhart: kjapa Why were you following us?? Lmfao colesprouse wtf is your hat

colesprouse: lilireinhart Don't question it. I had a crisis

user2524: ^^^ GOALS


user3238: Why do they have suitcases? Are they going on a trip together?!?!? SHIP

user357: They whole cast is heading somewhere (idk where) for some sort of convention thingy user3238 BUT AWHH THEY'RE TRAVELING TOGETHER

user35656: Ugh, I honestly feel like this is adding to the "drama" thing and KJ, Cole, and Lili know it. KJ obviously posted the picture to grab the attention of everyone and keep everyone focused on their show. And Lili and Cole flirted in the comments to get everyone's attention as well. Do they think we're stupid? Because what they're doing is seriously soooo obvious. Newsflash, cast! No one is buying your crap!

lilireinhart: First off, user35656, KJ posted this picture as a light hearted, fun picture of us traveling. It's not meant to grab the attention of anyone in a particular way. Secondly, yeah, we're trying to keep everyone focused on our show! It's literally our job to make sure that when our show comes out, you guys will still be interested in watching it. Third of all, Cole and I were not flirting. Can't a girl and a boy just be friends anymore??

user754: Yessss, lilireinhart, Queen! Go off!

colesprouse: Rip user35656....

user887: colesprouse LMFAO OOOOF

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Hey, guys! So this is yet another filler chapter, but I'm struggling with ideas for the plot. Anyone have anything that they want to see in this book? Open to all suggestions xx

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