Chapter 1

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{Amy POV}
I could hear the pounding paws of the wolves who had held me captive. After finding the strength I needed, I have killed him; the man who has caused my misery and suffering. The man who has killed my parents and burned my pack down to the ground. The one who has taken away the only life I have ever known and come to enjoy.

His name is Alpha Herold, or should I say was. He is now on his way to hell, where a man as wicked as him belongs. I feel pain shooting from where my silver shackles used to rest on my ankles as I continued to run for my freedom. I can hear my wolf, Aislin, whimpering at the pain. We ran for what felt likes hours until we were finally out of the territory.

But, we didn't stop. We ran until the sun fell and the moon rose. We chose to stay in a cave in a mountain. I shifted for the first time in years, and I almost howled, but I quickly remembered that we don't know if we were on someone else's territory or not. I could feel Aislin's anxiety as I started to drift off into a strangely relaxed sleep.

But, that relaxation soon ended when I thought that the wolves from Herold's pack found me and killed me. I wake up, sweat making my hair stick to my face. I undo the braid that I had and started finger combing it. I see a river below the cave, so I walk over to it and decide to take a bath.

Well, as close to a bath as I could get. I rinse my hair out and attempt to get all the knots out. My hair is a silver, almost white color. I didn't dye it, I was born with the color, just like my eyes. When I was a pup, I was always told I was going to be great. I can't remember much about my childhood, only bits and pieces of it.

Sometimes I might have a memory, but just images of me playing in the snow during the cold winters, going to the beach, thunderstorms. But, I was always alone. I guess I was just an antisocial child. But, I have all the memories of my time at alpha Herold's pack. I was told I was only a lowly omega, who had no purpose in life but to serve the people who were ranked above me.

I can remember all the beatings I got, the whip lashes, and the broken bones. I reach and touch one of the large scars on my back, and I knew it was a dark shade of pink. This was made by a whip covered in silver. I can remember exactly how I got this one:

I flip the big, muscular guard over my shoulder and break his neck. I see the exit, and two guards blocking it. The guard with dark gray hair charges at me, and I go to punch him in the face, but he blocks it and punches me in the stomach. I almost doubled over until I remember what is at stake. I kick him in his knee, and when he doubles over, I knee him in the face, knocking him out.

The other guard looks at me curiously, then he shifts. I have taken on people in wolf form before, but the wolves in this pack were huge. It was like they were on steroids. I clench my fist and get in a fighting position, ready for whatever attack he sprung on me. I see him move, nothing too big. Just a shift of the paws.

I kept my eyes on his actions very carefully, and after about a minute without movement, he charged, teeth bared. I charge at him, a plan already in my mind. Just before he got in lunging distance, I jumped over him and let my claws elongate, sinking into his fur. I hear him whine, so I know he is going to be in pain for a while.

I land on my feet then make a dash for the door. My fingers barely grazed the handle before I feel a sharp pain on my back, and I knew it was a whip lash. This one felt different, and when the pain started burning, I knew that this whip was covered in silver. I can smell my blood as it spread out on the floor. Alpha Herold held the whip in a gloved hand, smirking wickedly.

"This is the last time you will try to get away from me, little omega", he chuckled. Then, he whipped me until I went unconscious...
{End of flashback}

I blink away the tears that blurred my eyesight. I got out to the river and start washing the shorts, underclothes, and tank top that I was wearing. Once they were dry, I put them back in the cave and shift into my white and silver wolf. She maybe a little weak now because of malnourishment, but she is bigger and stronger than any male wolf.

Even the alpha king, although we have yet to see how big he is. It shouldn't matter, because in the end, I could probably crush him like any other pest that has crossed my path, Aislin says viciously. She doesn't like it when I compare other wolves to her, because, even though she doesn't want to admit it, it makes her self conscious.

Calm your tits, because you have yet to see how big he is or how strong he is. The rumors may say he is the strongest, but you know as good as I do that the legend of the white wolf is more widely known then the rumors about this king. But, I am curious to see how we would do against him in a fight, I say, thinking about fighting when we get back up to full strength.

I let her have control, and she starts running around the forest, careful to not come across any wolves. She was concealing our scent so we won't be noticed. Once the sun reached the center of the sky, she decided to go and do some hunting. She caught a deer, and we went back to the cave. I put my clothes on and started a fire to cook the meet.

Once it was thoroughly cooked, I ate and me and Aislin talked about our next plan of action. That's when I hear something coming from the woods...

*A/N:  What do you guys think she heard in the woods? Why does Aislin think she could crush the king like a pest? What do you think her next plan of action is?
*the photo above is Amy's eye color*. ✌✌

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