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TW:// homophobia

"you what?" kun stared at lucas in disbelief

"i got his number" he replied, rather emotionless as he is still in shock that he actually asked for his number and actually got it. he was rather proud of himself, if he were to be honest.

"well, it took you long enough, we were all wondering who was gonna make the first move, we all assumed it was gonna be him, considering you always shrivel up into a ball of nerves whenever he's around" kun shrugged, flipping through the manga he was reading.

lucas felt the butterflies in his stomach stir once again, remembering the events that happened last night.

"dude, you're blushing" lucas' head twisted around, immediately denying it "why are you still here, we have school tomorrow, go home" he kicked at kun, who was relaxing on lucas' bed as if it was his own.

"fine," kun pouted, getting up off the bed "but don't think this is the end of it.....lover boy" kun snatched his bag up and darted out of the house. lucas rolled his eyes at his best friend.

lucas let out a sigh as he slid down into his sheets, falling asleep to thoughts of about the caramel-haired boy once again.

at school the next day, he saw his friends all gathered around the schools entrance; laughing about something. but whatever it was, kun, ten, and sicheng did not seem happy about it.

in fact, kun was yelling at them

"you guys really are disgusting" he snapped "oh, is that so?" taeyong said, stifiling a laugh "i'm not the one who's fucking gay" he laughed, as did jaehyun and doyoung

"i'd rather have a gay friend than a fucking douche bag" kun glared at taeyong

lucas walked up and stood a couple of feet away, listening in on the conversation.

taeyong smirked, rolling his eyes "why are y'all defending him? are y'all a bunch of faggots too?" he chuckled "how dirty" he mumbled "what's the matter, ten, got a dick stuck in your throat?" he scoffed

ten clinched his fists and took a swing at taeyong, nailing him square on the face; taking everyone by surprise, even himself.

the situation quickly escalated and the two were now fist fighting in front of the school.

lucas rushed over, grabbing taeyong by the collar of his shirt and shoving him against the wall.

at this point, half the school was staring.

"way to treat your friends, huh?" lucas said through clenched teeth. he grit his teeth and practically burnt a hole in taeyongs head with how hard he glared before being drug away by sicheng.

"what the fuck" lucas muttered while kun tend to tens wounds "what the fuck" he repeated, louder and more angry this time

"seriously what the fuck" he shot to his feet, feeling restless "i should have beat the shit out of him-" "no, you shouldn't have. don't say that" ten cut him off

lucas groaned and sat back down, taking a glance at his friends bloody, beat up face

he was angry—no, furious.

the four sat in silence for a good 10 minutes before they hear someone clear their throat

"hey," taeil mumbled

he looked like a kicked puppy that had ben thrown out in the rain "i'm so sorry, for what taeyong said—" he glances over to ten "and did. it wasn't right. at all—" "if you're here to apologize for him and justify what he did the—"

"no no, that's not at all what i'm here for...i just...wanted you guys, ten,  to know that i'm here..for you....and i don't care that—you're-you—" ten chuckled "you can say gay, it's not gonna offend me"

taeil sheepishly chuckled "yeah, uh, gay. i don't care. as long as you guys are happy" he smiled

"thanks. that means a lot" ten smiled, looking over to lucas who was still a big ball of raging anger "lucas?"

he looked up and looked at ten, to taeil, and back to ten before loosening up "yeah, thanks" he half-smiled

taeil sat down with them and little by little they all started talking about this, that, and everything.

"well, you know what i'm in the mood for?" ten chirped, pressing his lips together "alcohol, boys, and some music"


tbh this is just a filler chapter i guess idk anyways sorry taeyong, still love you, we all know you an og gay lmao anywhomstve like always, feedback is highly appreciated!

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