I don't realize I am crying until I feel the wetness drip down onto my chest. I feverishly wipe away the tears, trying to make it so Jaxon doesn't see. However, a moment later my seatbelt is unbuckled and he is pulling me across the bucket seat into his side. 

And I don't waste his comfort - burying my face into his chest, I let him hold onto me tightly as I silently cry my tears of sorrow. I'm sure I'm staining his shirt with my makeup and tears, but he doesn't complain. He just holds me, not saying anything - as if he knows that I just need this moment and words aren't needed right now.

Which I am grateful for. It's always like this. Every time I see my grandparents, I always leave in tears. I mean, they are my mother's parents and of course they want to know if she is well, but I just wish they could understand my side of it. I wish they could see how much her leaving hurt me. I wish they could see how much it still hurts me to this day. 

I'm shaken from my thoughts when Jaxon pulls onto the stone road that leads to the campground. I pull away from him slightly so I can sit up straight and take in the sights as we drive into the park. 

It has been easily fifteen years since I have lasted camped at Glen Rouge Campground - maybe even longer. However, it is just like I remember it. Mature trees cover the grounds, hiding the rows of tents and trailers. Jaxon pulls up to the office and books a site for us while I get out of the car and wander around, breathing in the cooling air. 

"You ready, love?" Jaxon says from behind me and I quickly turn on my heel. 

Smiling genuinely at him, I nod my head and he offers me his hand. Wrapping my fingers with his, I let him help me into the truck and he quickly gets inside so we can go find our site. 

We drive slowly through the park. It's already getting dark and we can see the little flickers of fire dotted throughout the entire park. Thankfully, we aren't far from the entrance and we find our site quickly. Jaxon backs it in and I smile, knowing it's time for my favourite part. 

"Can you start the fire?" I say and he nods his head. "I'll set up the tent. I'm a master tent builder."

He chuckles and we get to work. It doesn't take me long to set up the tent. I throw the air mattress inside with our blankets, making it as comfortable as I can. As I finish, I hear the familiar sound of logs crackling. Excitement fills my entire being as I get out of the tent to see a fire ablaze and a little area Jaxon set up beside it. 

"This is perfect," I say as I walk towards him. 

He leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips. The simple gesture makes my heart flutter and I'm glad it's dark right now. I'm not sure if I want him to see my blush. He smiles as he pulls away, the fire making his eyes sparkle in the dim light. 

Biting my lip, I take his hand and pull him to our seats. Jaxon places his hand on my lap while I hold onto his arm, resting my head on his shoulder. 

We both sit in silence, watching the everchanging flames flicker in the night. The sound of the wood burning is our music and it's calming. There's no need for words right now. Both of us are content just sitting there holding onto one another. 

The fire is hot against our faces, keeping us warm despite the cooling, night air. However, I can't help the shiver that runs down my spine every time Jaxon draws a circle into my bare thigh. He's slowly creeping closer and closer to my centre and I feel a need building within me. 

I can feel Jaxon's eyes watching me as he inches closer and closer. I know he's wearing that smirk he's famous for, so I try my hardest to ignore him. I don't want him to know how much he affects me. 

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