They're Only Human

Start from the beginning

Allah: (sing) I really don't know and don't care

Both: (sing) They're only human, standing still

Doomed to live pushing boulders uphill

Only human, after all

Allah: (sing) So they give and they take

Arinna: (sing) Hoping someone will help break their fall

Allah: (sing) They will pray, curse, live die

Never knowing their truth is another man's lie

Arinna: (sing) Eat, sleep, love, hate

Like a leaf blowing in the wind

Allah: (sing) Watch them all vacillate

Both: (sing) They're only human

They can't see

Allah: (sing) All the years they could give you and me

Both: (sing) Only human, after all

Arinna: (sing) So they give and we take

Allah: (sing) Till their silly hearts break

Arinna: (sing) Looking down from above

I'm intrigued by their love

(Allah stop dancing with her and look down.)

Allah: (sing) So let's call!

(He look around and see a spot of flowers bloomed.)

Allah: Hmm, let's call.

(Then with a drop of his blood, the blood fell to the pile of flowers. From it, a flower with spikes on the pollen and thorns. Arinna gasp.)

Arinna: Are you mad?! One touch from the pollen or thorn will give someone some of your powers!!

Allah: Relax, it's only temporary till I say so.

(Down from them, as the flower shine a light blue color, the four teen boys walk down the street. Varian look down, not looking at his friends.)

Miguel: Jesucristo Varian! What were you talking back there?!

Tom: Bad enough your dad have to make you walk home from school due to his job, but what would happen if he finds out you went at it again?!

Varian: I know, I know. But I just want to do the right thing to save others, the law and the system isn't doing their best with more crime growing.

Hiro: Varian, here a advice. If you want to be a hero in everyone eyes, take a law-

Varian: I don't want to be everyone hero, I want to be Judy's hero.

Miguel: Oh yeah, the Pot girl.

Hiro: (hit him) The same girl Varian is head over heels for and can kick your butt. And don't look now, cause she's heading this way.

Varian: What?!

(Sure enough, he turn and see Judy walking their way. His lovestruck mood have been turn on as heart came out of him and grow a goofy smile.)

Hiro: Which mean we better go, good luck Varian.

Varian: W-What?! G-Guys!!

(The three run off, passing the flower as it still glow. Varian turn around and face Judy, who stopped when he was in the way.)

Varian: H-Hey J-Judy..

Judy: Hey yourself.. Uh..Varian? Right?

Varian: Uh...I... Uh... (Nodded)

Judy: Good! Just want to be sure. Uh, I heard what you said in Mr. Once-ler class.

Varian: Y-You did?

Judy: Yeah, but I got to say. I...think wiping away isn't right.

Varian: W-Wait, I-I didn't mean that. I-I.. I just think there's must be a better way to handle this, I don't mean we have to kill.

Judy: Are you sure?

Varian: Y-Yeah. Doesn't everybody?

(She look at him, staring at her with her crystal blue eyes. Varian can feel himself going weak as he look into them. Then she let out a smile that made his heart throbbing from his chest.)

Judy: Of course. You're right, sorry if I misjudge that.

Varian: Don't be. So, see you tomorrow?

Judy: Hmm. (Nodded) see you tomorrow.

(She walk by him, leaving him alone as he smile goofy and lovestruck. As she is out of sight, he let out a dreamy sigh.)

Varian: She is so amazing.

(Suddenly, he saw something from the corner of his eyes. He follow the source and find the same glowing flower. He frown in curiosity, he never seen a glowing flower. He reach to pick it off from the stems, when he pricked himself from the thorn, pull back and let out a Yelp of pain. Then he felt pain in him more, he look down and see something drawing in his hand, it's a circle with a crescent moon and three lines in it and they were glowing. The flower stop it glow and wilt away. Varian look at the marks in fear and confusion, but he see a blur of it. He took off his glasses and can see them clearly, which surprise him. He get up, grab his bag, put his glasses in them and run back home.)

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