"Shh, Love I didn't mean it, I'm sorry lovely. Please don't cry, please stop crying. You're beautiful, and smart and I'm crazy about you. C'mon love look at me," Harry tried coaxing Draco out from his curled up ball of sorrow. The sound of Harry's voice just made Draco cry harder. Lies, Draco thought, all lies.

Harry tried a different approach. His words weren't working so he tried with his touch. He reached out and wrapped his arms around his Draco with the intent to drag him into his lap and comfort him. Draco flinched at his touch. Draco never flinched at his touch. He sprung up from the bed and backed away as if Harry had burned him. Harry had tears of his own in his eyes. He fucked up badly and he might not ever get his baby back.

"N-no, don't touch m-me!" Draco screamed at him, backing into the door. He turned the knob and opened it, running through the threshold and into the castle halls. It took a second for Harry to register that Draco had ran away from him. Never in a million years would he have ever thought that his baby would be running in any direction other than towards him. Harry sprung up from the bed, his momentary shock disabling him from easily catching up to his love. He ran into the halls and looked around. Draco was nowhere in sight, but Harry would not be giving up this easily. Over my dead fucking body.

Harry was no longer upset or sad. He was angry. Angry at Draco for running away and not letting him speak, angry at himself for saying the things he did, angry that he didn't have enough self control to push his anger away and not snap at his baby. His baby, of all people caught a glimpse of the Harry that wasn't supposed to be seen by him. Harry didn't want Draco to know about the darkness that lurked inside him. The darkness that made him do things like beat people to the brink of death, or in mild cases, say the most hurtful things he could think of.

Harry ran aimlessly, he didn't know where Draco could have gone and he was getting frustrated. A thought crossed his mind to ask Blaise and Pansy because, other than himself, they know Draco like the back of their hands. He completely dispelled the thought. He didn't want anyone to know of his misdoings, he needed to fix them before anyone found out. Namely their friends because he knew, being the protective arseholes they are, they would never allow Harry near Draco again. Harry could not let that happen.

So he ran and ran and ran. People were giving him weird looks, everyone wondering what was going on with the lion who looked, dare they say aloud, frightened and frantic. When Harry passed the kitchen he crashed right into a house elf. Harry caught himself before he could fall to the floor after basically tripping over the short creature. He growled in frustration at having been slowed down. The house elf was horrified with himself, he didn't mean to make Mister Harry angry.

"Dobby is terribly sorry Mister Harry. I's wasn't watching where Dobby was going!" The house elf, Dobby, screeched out. Harry resisted the urge to say anything hurtful to the little creature, something he should have done with Draco.

Harry looked down and saw Dobby crouched down, trying to make himself smaller under Harry's penetrating gaze. It was this action that made Harry think of Draco, his sweet, fragile Draco that always shrank away shyly from his gaze. Harry's eyes softened and his voice came out smooth as honey. "It's alright Dobby. I am looking for someone very important to me. I made a mistake and I need to fix it," Harry let his hurt show through his half mumbled words. Dobby perked up at this, Mister Harry wasn't mad and Dobby thinks he can help.

"Oh Mister Harry! Methinks Dobby knows who yous looking for. The little snake yes? Mister Draco?" Dobby cried out in triumph at knowing. Harry's eyes lit up, he frantically shook his head yes.

"You know where he is Dobby?" At this, Dobby grabbed two of Harry's fingers and started dragging him towards the kitchens. Harry was confused as to why they were going in there, students weren't allowed, but he didn't say anything. Maybe he just has to grab something first? He questioned in his mind, his brows furrowed in confusion. Dobby drags Harry all the way to the back and positions Harry in front of a door. He gestures towards it, making Harry fall even deeper in his pit of confusion and bewilderment.

Anxious LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon