"'Cause he sees enemies everywhere. To secure his trust we'll have to both validate his paranoia and create the illusion of a mutual enemy," Grant said as they continued to walk into the woods at a slow pace.

"Or we could just kill him and negotiate with the next man?" Pond stated with a smile, making Grant chuckle. "I remain open to all options."

That's good to hear.

A branch snapping made Pond push Grant behind him, pull out his gun, and aim it in Declan's direction. I held my breath, hoping that Declan knew what he was doing. If things went South, I was ready to jump in.

"Declare yourself," Pond yelled out, his eyes searching the woods before landing on the tall figure.

"Declan harp," My husband said, taking a few steps out so he was better scene by the moonlight.

Grant seemed taken back by Declan's presence, seeming to smile as he said, "Mr. Harp? Finally." He begins to take a couple of steps forward, pushing Pond's gun down in the process. "Forgive Mr. Pond, he is zealously dedicated to my protection, which I appreciate."

"Why are you in Fort James?" Declan asked, diving right into the questions.

"We're both committed to the demise of the HBC, are we not? I've come to judge how long before Fort James falls, and, if possible, to give it a little nudge. This cause could be advanced considerably if you and your people were to trade with me," Grant said.

These two men were alike in the ways of negotiating. To the point and straight forward.

"You deal only with the Black Wolf Company," Declan stated after a slight pause.

My head peeked around, watching the two men as they spoke while Pond was left to stand and listen. His eyes searched around a few times, making me hope he wouldn't catch a sight and shoot.

Grant nodded, "That's reasonable, provided you can maintain the volume to satisfy my needs. Yes."

"Grace Emberly. When the time comes, you provide safe passage to Montreal or wherever she wants to go," Declan stated, making a small sigh of relief leave my lips. The only thing I asked for was that my sister get the hell out of here. Now, because of Declan, she might get that chance.

"Done. Anything else?" Grant asked?

"Tomorrow, go for a walk with Benton in the woods, away from as many soldiers as possible."

"What do you intend to do?"

"Bury a knife in his chest and cut off his head."

Smiling slightly, Grant nods, "I respect a man who gets straight to the point. Agreed." As if taking power over the situation, Grant motioned for Pond to follow, both of them leaving Declan to himself.

Once I knew the two men had vanished from ear and eye shot, I made my way over to Declan who coughed in pain before wheezing.

My hands were quick to grab his arms, my mind already deciding that it was best to let the deal past. "Are you sure we can trust him?" I asked, my face showing the worried. But it wasn't towards Grant, but towards Declan's health.

"Grant has as much interest in Benton being dead as I do."

"You mean as we do," I said, my face scrunching in confusion. Declan looked at me, silent. "You can't seriously be thinking of doing this alone!" I stated, taking a step back from him and dropping my hands.

"I have to do this myself."

A scuff left my lips, "Since when?"

"Since he shot you and I thought you were dead!" He half yelled at me, silencing me for a minute. That is, until Declan turned and started to walk off.

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