"What we need is information. How many Redcoats, where they're stationed," Declan said, leading the way while I followed. Michael took next and Sokanon took the back.

"The garrison then, by the governor's house," Michael commented.

Declan started to slow his pace to a stop. "We'll get a head count, their routine, when they're most likely to be surprised."

Sokanon looked at him confused, "How exactly are we going to kill them? We are only four."

"Gunpowder," I said, looking at the two clueless people before us.

Michael's mouth dropped slightly, looking to Sokanon only to see that she was just as surprise as he was. "Gunpowder? How much?"

"Ten barrels," I answered, making Sokanon look between Declan and I, "Where will we get it?"

Declan answered, "Leave that to us. We'll meet at the Ale House, back entrance. Make sure you're not seen. The Redcoats know your faces. If they see you they will shoot. Garrison's that way. Good luck," He said pointing off to the right.

Putting up his hood, Declan turned and started to walk in the opposite direction. I watched as Sokanon sighed before looking to Michael, "Let's go." They move along, leaving me to myself for second before I turn and join Declan.

The walk to the Ale House seemed to take longer than expected, carrying us into the night.

Emberly, at the sight of us, closed up early, letting the fire carry on next to us. Emberly sat at one end of the table while Declan and I sat at the other end.

My eyes watched Declan and Emberly, recalling their last meeting which wasn't entirely the best.

Doing what my half-sister does best, Emberly started to fill us in on information. "His name's Johnson. He arrived with a company of soldiers, unexpectedly as far as I can tell."

"So altogether..." Declan started, pausing in hopes she would understand where he was going.

Emberly had her arms crossed over her chest, looking at Declan with a raised eyebrow. "In the garrison? Well, over a hundred men."

Declan let out a sigh, seeing how this might be a bit harder than predicted. I decided to ask the main question of the hour, hoping it would sound better coming from me. "We need gunpowder. Ten barrels, maybe more."


"I was gonna throw Anna a party but now you've ruined it," Declan said with a playful smirk, glancing over at me. I smiled, hitting his arm before focusing my attention on my sister. She seemed taken back by the favor, unsure of why we needed this. "Em, we need this," I said, the playful moment gone.

Emberly dropped her arms, leaning forward in a business like matter, "I run an Ale House. What the hell do I know about gunpowder?"

Knowing my sister and the people here, Declan spoke up. "Every thief and black marketeer comes to Fort James to drink and boast here. I need a name."

Emberly let out a sigh, looking between Declan and I, "Ten barrels of gunpowder?"

"Maybe more," I added, hoping she understood that we probable would need more.

The pieces must have started to slip together because my half-sister's voice rose slightly, "What are you thinkin'? Are you gonna attack the garrison?"

"We're not going to tell you 'cause we don't want to put you in danger," I said, starting to think this was a bad idea. When her voice rose and her eyes settled on me, I knew that we should have just asked someone else.

Him and I (Declan Harp)Where stories live. Discover now