"Oh, I understand you," Declan said, leaning down and picking up the two rows of silver. He shoved one row into his pocket, handing the other to me. I pulled out a small bag, letting the silver fall into it before stuffing it back in it's home near my breasts.

"Then why refuse a paying customer?"

"Well, that's a conversation I need to have with your employer," Declan said, paying his attention fully on Rivard.

Rivard smiled nervously, "Ah, I work for no man. I work for the Fleur-de-lis."

"You work for the highest bidder," I said, pulling Rivard's eyes to me. "Samuel Grant, a wealthy American new to Montreal."

Looking between the two Harps, Rivard stuttered as he tried to explain. "Grant is one of several men with whom I do business."

"We wanna meet him," Declan said, needing not to explain that when he said we, he meant him and I.

A chuckle left Rivard's lips, "No." It stopped when he didn't see us join him in the chuckle, his face falling with worry, "Why would you want such a thing?"

"Do not overestimate your standing. You're just the middleman," Declan said, revealing that we were never coming here to trade furs with him.

Rivard looked between the two of us before shaking his head, looking off as he said, "I cannot do business like this."

Declan shrugged, "I guess I'll take my business to one of your competitors." He turned, only taking a couple of steps before Rivard quickly stopped him, my movements not yet starting. "No, okay, okay! I'll speak to Grant. I'll try to set up a meeting, but he's going to ask what you have to offer. This amount of furs will not be enough."

Declan Harp's eyes looked to the furs before looking at me, seeming to read my mind. He turned, facing Rivard once again, "The Lake Walker tribe."

"The Cree? You have an agreement with them for trade?" Rivard asked, shocked.

"We will," Declan nodded, making Rivard ponder the thought. We had already taken his money, so there was no need to try and turn it down. He stood, sighing slightly, "Fine. But if you cut me out of this, you..." He started, taking a few steps towards Declan who took a couple of steps back. This action made Rivard quickly cower back and choose his next words carefully, "You will, uh, very badly hurt my feeling."

Leaning in, Declan said, "Set it up, Rivard." He turned, helping the men with the fur while I made my way back over to Rivard. His relaxed position changed when I got closer, his eyes watching me fearfully.

My hand tossed something to him, his hands catching it to find a piece of silver in it.

"For your troubles," I said before turning and helping the men.

We found our way through water, woods, and back trails to the woods near Fort James. Though it was still far away, it was a perfect place to hold up, set up camp, and rest.

Some of our men, led by a friend, Sokanon went out to keep watch. The rest stayed to rest or eat. Declan and our friend Dimanche were skinning a deer while I was near them, sharpening any knives or weapons that had grown dull from our long travels.

The morning had risen once again when Sokanon returned. Only, she did not return empty handed. Two men, tied by their hands, was pushed to follow before eventually stopping near us.

My motions stopped, my eyes looking over the two men. One, the oldest was a Priest. The second, a young boy with raven black hair.

When Sokanon walked over to Declan, my feet stood me up and walked over to them.

"I found them in the bush. Three soldiers, dead," She whispered to us. That was all the information we needed from her before Declan glanced at the two men. I watched as he turned, walking over to them before stopping near them. My feet kept me still, my ears picking up my husband's voice.

"Why were you with English soldiers?"

The Priest spoke, nervous and fearful while still keeping a smiling face, "I had nothing to do with those hateful pigs. Their leader threatened to kill me. I, I just want to be paid as per my contract with young Michael here and I'll be on my way."

Dimanche spoke up next to me, his face hard and angry, "You're not going anywhere, Priest."

It was true, the chances were that Declan would kill the Priest or send him out to deliver a message. But he already did the second one weeks ago.

The young boy, who I resumed was Michael, said, "The soldiers found us wandering in the wilderness, lost. They were gonna take us back to the fort."

"And why were you wandering in the wilderness?" I asked, making the two men stretch to look behind Declan, at me. My arms crossed, my eyes watching them closely, waiting for a movement to determine whether they were killers or people arriving in the wrong place.

Michael looked to Declan, "I was looking for you. I want to make my fortune in the fur trade and I hear you're the man to help me do it."

Declan's patience was never high, and the way he circled the two made it known. "You're gonna have to do better than that, lad." He suddenly stopped in front of the Priest, his head gesturing to him in disgust, "Why are you with this Priest?"

"I hired him as my guide but I learned he was lying to me - and had no intention of helping me."

The Priest quickly objected, speaking quickly, "No, Michael, that is not completely true." He looked to Declan, a somewhat pleading voice, "Mr. Harp, I am a man of many contacts. Many of them are great suppliers of fur. I could easily connect you to them upon my return to civilization, of course."

Dimanche spoke up once again, "I know this one. He's a loudmouth drunk. He can't be trusted."

Laughing nervously, the Priest looked to Dimanche, "You're right, that's me..." He quickly changed people and looked to Declan, "But I, but I can change. I'm better than that, you'll see. What better place to turn over a new leaf than here?"

Dimanche moved quickly, his voice following as he grabbed the Priest by the neck and yanked him back, "He needs to die."

The Priest gasped, speaking quickly, "Harp, I am a man of divine provenance! Keeping me in your company will put God on your side!"

"We haven't been on God's side in a long time. I don't think he'll be welcoming us any time soon," I stated.

Michael, looking between his friend and Declan quickly yelled, "You can't just kill him! I won't let you kill him!" He tried to chase after the Priest but only gets a couple of steps in before Declan grabs him and yanks him back in front of him. He puts his bloody hands on Michael's face, revealing the fear in his eyes.

"You watch, boy! Take 'em both!" He throws Michael to the ground, turning to return to his deer. He suddenly stops as my arms lower and my mouth drops slightly in shock when Michael quickly yells in a struggle, "I have information on Lord Benton! I have information on Lord Benton!"

Declan wastes no time yelling at the two men that were ready to drag Michael away to stop. I starred at the boy before my eyes moved to Declan, the look of anger mixed with revenge in them.

I watched my husband as he quickly turned on his heels and over to Michael, kneeling in front of him. "All right, boy, you have my attention. Tell me about Benton or join the Priest."

Him and I (Declan Harp)Where stories live. Discover now