Time Will Tell:

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“Then you can fix it yourself.” I laugh.

Kakashi chokes on his ramen. “What?! Naruto near the stove?! I don’t think so!”

I pause, thinking about it for a moment. “Never mind then.” That could have disastrous results.

Naruto pouts for a few moments but then stands, grabbing his bowl. He walks over to the sink and lowers the bowl into it and runs some water through it. I finish my ramen and set it back onto the table, watching as the blonde boy sits back down.

“Can I ask you guys a question?” Naruto asks us.

Kakashi’s eyes widen and I can feel mine do the same. Naruto is…serious. Like dead, no jokes, totally not Naruto serious. This is scary. “Sure. What is it?” I blink.

“How did you guys meet? You were living together before I knew you two but I can’t remember seeing you around when I was younger.” He’s talking to me, blue eyes trained on my face.

I let out a relieved breath. I thought he was going to ask me how babies were made.

Kakashi laughs lightly, looking a little relieved as well. It’s only natural that, after a miscarriage, the sibling would ask exactly how their would-be sibling was made and why they died. We share a look, silently asking who wants to speak and how much should we tell him.

“That, my dear Naruto, is probably because I’m not from Konohagakure.” I finally say, fingers curled around my bowl. “I’m from a…different…world.”

Naruto stares at me, as if I’d just sprouted wings.

After a few moments of pure silence, he looks to Kakashi, to verify this information. Kakashi nods, smiling slightly. “Hard to believe, I know. But it’s true.”

“Sarah, Aveino, Tyler, and I all come from a different world where your universe is a show. A very popular, very awesome, world loved show.” I try my best to explain. “Somehow we were transported into the show and Kakashi found us, almost killed me, and took us to the Hokage.”

“He almost killed you?” Naruto’s eyes widen.

“It’s not my fault! She moved!” Kakashi scowls darkly.

I snicker. “He was using me as a hostage, so Sarah and Aveino and Tyler wouldn’t attack him, and as leverage. If they wanted me back they’d have to come to the Hokage. I moved and the kunai sliced into my throat.”

“And then you pitched a royal fit when you realized you were getting stitches.” Kakashi shoots me a amused look.

Now it’s my turn to scowl. And shudder. “Stitches are not my friend.”

“So…this is serious.” Naruto says, staring at the table. “You really aren’t from this…world?”

I shake my head and pull out my phone. It’s been a while since I used the thing, I can barely remember my password. After keying it in, I search for Naruto and show him the first episode. He watches, eyes wide, and then looks up to me.

“And you don’t know how you got here?”

I shake my head.

A strange sad look flashes in his features. “But then that means you might suddenly disappear. If you don’t know how you got here, then how do you know not to do whatever you did so you don’t go back?”

A shard of pure jagged ice forms in my chest, making it hard to breathe.

“We’re looking into it.” Kakashi says quickly, now looking quite troubled himself. “We’re going to figure it out.”

Naruto nods. “You can’t leave. I just got you guys.”

I swallow thickly.

Kakashi looks to me. One thing I’ve always loved about him is that he’s not stupid enough to promise something he can’t. But at the same time, I silently feel like I need that small sense of comforting assurance too.

I stand and dump my bowl into the sink after washing it out. Turning back to my family, I hold my arms out wide and grin cheekily. “No more sadness! I don’t plan on leaving any time soon. Let’s go watch a movie!”

Naruto rests his head in my lap, slowly falling asleep. I absently run my fingers through his blonde hair, probably making it harder for him to stay awake. Kakashi has one arm thrown around the couch and I’m leaning into his side, head resting against his chest. Much to Naruto’s (and my) displeasure, the movie is not a kickass action movie but instead a childish movie. Apparently, the Naruto world has its own version of Disney.

Kakashi presses his lips to my temple.

I look back/up. His lone visible eye looks grave. I know we’re going to have to continue our discussion later, and I’m not looking forward to it. I don’t like the idea of possibly leaving them. Him.

It rips at my heart.

Desire (Kakashi) - Indefinite HiatusHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin