Chapter 3: Forget With No Regrets.

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I reached home at around nighttime and I was exhausted. Rochely and Christian (her boyfriend) were sitting on the couch watching "Despicable Me 2" with Janelly. "Titi!" she called out to me. She ran to my legs and started hugging them. I almost fell with her. "Hi Baby!" I greet her, picking her up. "How are you?" I ask. "Good. Titi where's Uncle Justin?" I felt a huge lump in my throat. That's when I put her down. "Janelly it's time for bed, baby girl." Rochely told her. "But mommy, i'm not tired." "Daddy is taking you to Grandma's house tomorrow." I heard Janelly groan and Rochely took her upstairs to her room. "Hey, rough day?" Christian asked. I nodded. He shakes his head slowly. Rochely comes mid way down the steps and motions me to go upstairs with her finger. "Babe, we'll be right back.. This one is personal." Rochely tells Christian. He nods his head at her.
We get upstairs to my room and she locks the door. "You are in deep deep trouble." She says to me. I look at her with a confused face. "What do you mean?" "Remember those pretty model pictures you always sent to Justin? You know the ones where you come out in a hot outfit or a dress or whatever? The nudes? And the faces you made we're serious but yet sexy at the same time?" I nod my head. "Forgive me for doing this but I was on your Facebook checking to see if you were so moody because of Justin. Yeah, I found out. I saw the message from earlier. We have to talk about that too. But whatever, Justin put up a status.." She turned my laptop to me and it said:
"I'm officially done with her. I'm done with love. She always told me she missed me when I wasn't around but yet she's been messing with a different man behind my back? I know this isn't a misunderstanding. She must've wanted this! The same pictures she sent to me, were sent to him. Smh, I could care less about her.. she makes me sick now."
The water that filled my eyes began to burn after reading that status. I was just so confused! But then I noticed something. There was only one comment. I clicked on it and it belonged to Ashley. "She did this!!" I yelled. "Calm down. I'm mad about it too, But why did she?" "She called me earlier and before she hung up she was like, ' I wish you good luck with him. Maybe you guys may never get back together..' Something like that. She was always jealous of our relationship!" "Read the comment."

Ashley_Beauty_💋😘: I guess you won't be seeing her again anymore lol 😈. You loved the wrong girl. See, she never loved u at all J. If she did, she would've never sent him those pictures or spoke to him.

I was so angry! I wanted to punch a hole in the wall! I should've changed my password sooner. I forgot that she was with me the first time I made my Facebook. I shut my laptop and I saw Rochely with! a smile on her face. A huge one. "What?" I say. "You need to push this aside for awhile. You know, just forget about him, 'manita." I wanted to slap the Dominican out of her. "Forget about him?? How do you expect me to forget about the past 9 months of my life??" "Well, you know Romeo's having a concert this weekend." I loosened up a bit. I soon began to smile. "We're going to the Friday show which is tomorrow night and.. Nah I won't tell you the rest. You'll see." She smiled. I pulled her into a hug. "Thanks,Rochely. For telling me about this. For making me smile after, and for everything." "No problem, 'manita."
Rochely left to go downstairs and I stared at the Romeo Santos poster on my door. "I love you no matter who my heart belongs to. It doesn't belong to anyone right now but.. Someday, if i'm lucky, it will belong to you. The actual you, and not the poster version." I said. "Bien conoces, mis errores, el egoismo es el dueño de tu vida, eres mia, mia, mia.." Eres Mia-Romeo Santos was ringing on my phone. I looked at the screen and it was a number I hadn't saved on my phone. I answered,"Hello?" "Hey, it's Tony." What the?? How did he get my number?? "Um, Hi Tony.." "Wassup?" "Nothing.. Um, i'll call you back later, i'm gonna go take my shower." I said a bit furiously. While he started to say something to me, I hung up. I took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom. Taking my clothes off, I took my hair out of the bun I put in earlier and got in the shower. I stayed in there for awhile, thinking as I washed and scrubbed myself. Maybe I should forget about Justin. Yeah, I should. He found a way to forget about me, so why shouldn't I do the same?
30 minutes later, I got out of the shower. I wrapped myself in my red silk soft robe and went into my room. I checked my phone and it was Tony texting me from the number he called from:
"💖💖❤️❤️💞😘😘 Thinking about u.. U and ur beauty😘😘" I rolled my eyes and locked my screen. I got dressed in my pj shorts and orange tank, shut my lights off, and knocked out. I wished on the one star that hangs out in the sky alone at night in front of my window. I said, "I wished for true love ever since I was 15, I don't know if it was supposed to be Justin, or my true love hasn't come yet.. Who is it? Who will it be? When am I going to see him? Signs please."

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