David (The Lost Boys)

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  Imagine David flirting with you and being surprised when you reject him 

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  Imagine David flirting with you and being surprised when you reject him 

You stared out at the beach, leaning across the short fence that surrounded the boardwalk. You watched as late night surfers were currently turning in and packing away their gear. You watched as couples huddled up close to each other as they stared out at the moonlight that reflected off of the ocean water. 

You didn't want to go home, not yet... it was far to beautiful right now. You could taste the sea salt that hung in the air, it was heavy and made your skin feel sweaty. It was a quiet night, the boardwalk wasn't as crowded as it usually which you were thankful for. You didn't mind crowds but sometimes you prefer to enjoy these types of things alone. The silence just makes it more peaceful and it's easier for you to feel at ease when not many people are around. 

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" a soft spoken voice asked form beside you. You turned to look over at the stranger who thought now was a good time to interrupt the peace and quiet you were currently enjoying. 

You couldn't help the annoyed expression that came over your face. The man's bleached dyed hair was almost blinding that you had to tear your gaze away from him. When your eyes finally settled you didn't turn to look back at him, you decided to ignore him and his question hoping maybe your silence would help him get the hint. 

You wanted to be alone. 

"I notice you're here almost every day, do you work here?"  you rolled your eyes at his nosy question. You figured this man who was trying to probably pick you up wasn't going to leave him alone unless you made him. 

"Look I'm not in the mood for 'that' right now, so can you please buzz off" You tried to be somewhat polite as you turned down the man with the blinding blond hair. 

'His hair is going to fall out soon' you thought. 

You noticed the man out of the corner of your eyes glance over behind his shoulder. You couldn't help but follow his gaze to see three other guys, probably his friends, standing over by a few bike's. They all wore leather jackets, that held various pins, patches and designs all over it. The brunette of the bunch seemed to stand out the most since he was the only one with somewhat normal hair. The other two had bright blond hair that was teased or styled in some way. 

You could feel the man's eyes on you, as he watched you analyze his friends. You decided to maybe have some fun with the guy next to you since he decided to flirt. 

"The brunette's cute, tell him if he see's me again to not be so shy next time" you said as you winked over at the group and smirked over at the man who seemed taken back at your words. You pushed yourself away from the fence since you had all your weight against it and shoved your hands into your pockets. You could now feel a cool breeze start to come, indicating that now was your time to leave. 

You walked away from him without turning back to see if he was watching you or not. 

You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself as you replayed the mans expression over and over again in your mind. 

You weren't lying though when you said the brunette was cute. 

*request by sickkchild

hope you liked it 

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