God’s work. Besides, they said they extricating these girls who were just wasting their lives with taghuts in the name of school.
The canoe men had gone back but one of them came back the next morning.
He was the man who had pushed Leena out of the canoe. He met Bamba under a tent near the river.

“Peace be upon you, The Great Bamber; The bullet of God, The uplifted man of God, The one who loves to shoot a military man and wear his uniform.”
“Peace be upon you, Jalla. What brings you to my zone this morning?”
“You know I took part in the Bama operation. I was also part of those who blew Kasuwan Dare. I was the one who shot and killed Police Officer Kabiru Marte…..”
“What do you want?”

“You are a father of all and I have come to seek the hand of one of your daughters for marriage . I saw, I loved, I want, I seek, and I hope to get.”
“Hmmm….is she among the lucky girls of last night? Definitely yes because they are the only lucky girls now. The next shipping will be on Wednesday.”

“Yes. I was part of those who brought them.”
“I barely know them but these ones are special breeds and they are specifically for Baitul Nasr. I have to explain to them why I shot one of them and I also saw one of them I love and the marriage will be knotted later. I can explain why two are missing but not three.”
“Please Bamba. I could not sleep last night….”

“Come back on Wednesday. New girls will arrive. I can’t explain why three girls are missing under my auspices. That will make me look incompetent. I should have waited till Wednesday to have a new wife but I just fell in love with her. God saved her for me…I saw a vision that a girl will be sent to me from above. She will be thrown into the river but will survive because it is written that I will marry her.”

“I – I am confused.”
“I saw a vision so when I was told that one of the girls was thrown in the river as they came and another saved her life, I knew she the one.”
Jalla felt his mouth go bitter.

“Em…it’s nothing. I will wait until Wednesday.”
“won’t you wait for my wedding. It will take place later. I am going to have a bath today even though it is not yet Friday. For her , I will do that.”
“I wanted to ask you why you don’t take bath except on Fridays?”

“Washing my body wishes away blessings.”
“Hmmmm…”Jalla did not believe this. Even most of them were not islamically knowledgeable, except a few who misinterpreted the verses to deceive them, he knew Bamba was more ignorant than him.
“I see visions, and the spirits fear me. It is all because of how strong and blessed I am. My sweat is a healing. Would you like me to bless you by rubbing it on you?”
“Alhamdulillaah . My grandfather was a waliy and he blessed me with his Urine. I am already blessed The great one. I think I will take my leave. I will be back on Wednesday.”

The night was bubbling with excitement. The girls were forced to come out and stand on the vast field which also served as their training ground.
The girls had cooked food. The camp was lit with electric bulbs powered by solar power.
The prison cells were made up of two big buildings were the girls would be made to share and sleep on bare floor.
Then the insurgents lived in small tents.

Bamba had taken a bath and wore a very shapeless caftan and a cap that looked like a wizard’s hat. He looked like a fictional character of an animated movie.
“Allahu Akhbar!” He shouted.
“Allahu Akhbar!!” his men replied.

“I am very happy tonight.” He said. “There is nothing as sweet as helping someone. I feel great when I touch somebody’s live and that is what I have been doing all my life.”
“May God reward you!” A man said.
“Ameen.” The men echoed.
Bamba paused, his eyes became thinner and the smile vanished.

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