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I have been posting the unedited version so please bear with me. I do not have time for editing now because I have a lot going on. I am sorry about that.

Beeba had fallen ill and the next day was spent trying to get her recuperated. There was no phone service so they could not make any call.
Mangal made food from the provisions they randomly packed. There was dried fish, fried meat, noodles, garri, sugar and bread. So all they had to cook was noodles.

It seemed it was a fever because she had a high temperature, headache and internal cold.
There was no blanket so Mangal had to fetch some burning charcoal and heat the tent.
He also fetched some leaves from a neem tree and cooked it.
It was bitter and he knew women hated medications but he cajoled her to take it because she had to be strong to see her husband and children again.

They spent two days before she was able to get on her feet. Now, they had no direction.
Mangal said they had no choice other than to take the road they saw the criminals take. It was a big risk but that seemed to be the only way out.
They embarked on their journey home. But at a point, they ran out of gasoline and the bike stopped.

This happened to be a new phase of suffering for them. They had run out of food. Beeba sat on the bike while Mangal pushed it.
This was how they moved through out that day. They would rest at some points. They were very glad to find a mango tree with plenty ripe mangoes.
They plugged so many, took some and had extra. When it became dark, the camped.
It was the next day they got to a point where Mangal tried the phone.
There was service.

She called her husband and the police were alerted and described where they were. Mangal recognised the place. It was close to a road that led to Albasu.
A team of armed policemen arrived in no time to pick them. They were taken to the police headquarters to make a formal report and briefing.
When Isa saw his wife, he became emotional. They hugged each other and Beeba also cried. But he was very happy.

They left the police station after about two hours. Isa took his wife away while Mangal went home. Immediately he arrived home, he had a bath and went to the hospital.
He was disheartened to see his mother’s worsening condition. She could barely talk but her weak eyes showed some glimpse as she saw him. She had forced a smile and he got emotional.
He resumed work two days later which happened to be the same day Beeba resumed.

They had only talked on phone once since their escape. Immediately he arrived office, he was told that the GM wanted him.
He saw Beeba going into the office. He followed her and saw the GM sitting majestically behind his

“Good morning, Sir.” Mangal heard Beeba say before he also said, “good morning, sir.”
“Good morning.” He replied.
“I was told about your alleged kidnap.” Bala began. “In fact, your husband had to come to my house and harass me. I don’t know why I should be harassed after the reproaches I got from above.
I could not have a corrected version of the audit report, one of our cars was missing, as you guys claimed you were kidnapped, but found with a camping tent on a bike, after three days you called to say you have escaped. But that is not my personal problem. It is a free world. I am not falsifying your statements but I am not saying it adds up. I am talking about the days and nights you spent together in the tent in the jungle. I am talking about our missing car and failure to get the corrected version before you got kidnapped.
Well, we decided not to bring the law. The management have decided to let go but have completely lost confidence in you.

The management have therefore ordered me to terminate your appointments with immediate effect but I begged them to give you your full wage for this month . Here are you letters.”
Mangal felt as if he was hit with a sledge hammer. The image of his mother kept popping up. He also thought of Hauwa, his fiancée. His wedding arrangements had been thwarted since his mother’s illness became more serious.

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