Chapter two:Family Time

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"JJ grab me a Pepsi will ya please?" I ask from the couch.
"Yes your "highness"." He says rolling his eyes and bringing me my drink.
"Haha. Now plans for HALLOWEEN!" I say with a grin.
I love Halloween. Me and all my friends usually plan something to do together.
"I was thinking party in my basement with Halloween games and awesome decorations and trick or treating in the valley...?" He says hinting that he knows that this was one of my ideas for ages.
"Yes!" I say winking at him.
"Good! I will talk to my Mom about the party!" He says smiling.
I embrace him in a big bear hug.
"What's this for?" He asks hugging me back.
"For being my JJ and....because your throwing the Halloween party of my dreams that I am to lazy to do so that's why your doing it. "I say smiling.
"Well I feel deeply appreciated."He says.
"Wanna come over for dinner? Maddy might be coming!" I ask looking up at him.
"Sure. I'll call my mom later. Wanna watch a movie?" He answers.
"Sure! Can we watch I Feel Pretty?" I ask.
"Ok." He says flipping on the tv with his free arm.


The movie finishes and I call Ryan to see if the house is PG again.
"Yes she left like 20 minutes ago!" Says Ryan for the umpteenth time annoyed
"Just making sure the house is PG again." I say rolling my eyes at JJ.
"See ya soon. Bye." Says Ryan.
"Do the dishes and bye." I say before clicking off.
"Is the house safe to go back to now." Asks JJ.
"Yes apparently." I say gathering up my stuff.

At Willows house...

The doorbell rings at 6:00 and I go to answer it.
"Food has arrived or at least the ingredients have!" Says Sammy holding two grocery bags.
"Well come on in!" I say smiling and noticing Maddy standing behind her.
Sammy comes inside followed by Maddy.
"Maddy!" I say embracing her with a hug.
"Hey Willow!" She says.
"Well what did the doc say?" I ask curiously.
"Tada!" She say showing me her ankle.
"YOU GOT IT OFF!" I squeal. 
"I know. Only downside I still have to wait two weeks then I have an appointment saying if I'm ready for pointe shoes again. "She says rolling her eyes.
Pointe is Maddys favourite class. So being injured was really hard for her.
"Well that's not that far away." I say with a hopeful smile.
"RYAN!!" Yells Sammy setting out the dinner things.
Ryan comes downstairs staring at his phone.
"Ryan put your phone away and wash the lettuce please." Orders Sammy.
Ryan keeps staring at his phone and mumbles one more minute.
"Now!" Says Sammy snatching the phone out of his hand.
Me, Maddy and JJ laugh because Sammy is basically me and Ryan's second mother. We have known her since we were born. Our Moms were friends in high school.
"Willow can you please put a pot of water on the stove please." Asks Sammy adding ingredients into the bowl of meat for meatballs.
As I fill a pot up with water Sammy tells JJ and Maddy what to do. I smile because I love it when people I love are over.


"Sammy the food is absolutely amazing!" Says JJ with a smile.
"Yes!" Says all the other teenagers.
"Thanks JJ! You guys did help a lot though." Says Sammy sipping her wine.
Sammy made meatballs and tortellini with her special tomato sauce along with fresh Caesar salad.
During dinner everyone talks and laughs while eating the delicious meal.
"Well let's clear the plates!" Says Sammy gathering up her and Ryan's plate.
Everyone clears the table and helps clean up. Afterwards we are hanging out on the couch drinking soda and wine for Sammy.
"Everyone I brought a special treat for desert!" Says Sammy going to the kitchen.
A few minutes later she brings out 5 ice cream sundaes.
"Oh My God!!!! That looks like heaven!!!" Says Ryan squirming excitedly.
Ryan has a MAYJOR sweet tooth.
Sammy hands out the ice cream and sits back down.
"Oh lord this is amazing!!" Says Ryan shovelling the ice cream into his mouth.
Everyone laughs and eats their ice cream. When everyone is done me, JJ and Maddy go upstairs to my room.
Maddy plops down on my bean bag chair and JJ flops on my bed and I sit down beside him.
"So Maddy when me and Will were at the mall Melina was there too and so she texted us to meet up with her. When we found her she said she has a surprise. Her surprise was she got a boyfriend. His Names Austin." Says JJ reaching for my makeup stuff.
"WHAT?!?! When did this happen?" Asks Maddy surprised.
"They apparently made is official today." I say as JJ runs a makeup remover wipe over my face.
"I wish I knew more about this Austin." Says Maddy climbing up on the bed.
"Same!" Says me and JJ at the same time.
"Let me go on to Melina's instagram." Says Maddy opening her phone.
JJ puts some primer on my face then starts adding my new foundation to my skin.
"Ok I found a pic that she tagged him in." Says Maddy looking at her phone.
"What was the pic of?" I ask curiously.
"Him kissing her cheek and her smiling." Says Maddy with a smile.
"Awe adorable." I say as JJ starts adding concealer.
"Ok I'm on his page. Apparently he's on the football team. He's friends with....Jordan Myers." Says Maddy looking up.
"What the school hottie Jordan Myers!" Says JJ looking up from my makeup bag.
"Yup!" Says Maddy.
"All of Jordan's Friends are players just like him. Why would one of his buddies decide to actually commite to a relationship!" I say as JJ Starts doing my brows.
"I don't know. Austin is pretty hot but he looks like a player." Says Maddy with a worried tone.
"We should try not to worry about it. Maybe he's changed." Says JJ getting up to go through my eyeshadow drawer.
" I hope! Melina is such a sweetie she doesn't deserve to have her heart broken by a player." I say plugging my curler into a outlet near my bed so I can curl Maddys hair.
"JJ can you call your mom to ask if you can stay the night? Then we could just drive over to your house and grab your stuff." I ask as I start brushing through Maddys hair.
"Oooo yes!" Says JJ picking my Naked 3 palette along with a concealer lighter then my shade.
Suddenly my phone rings. I see it's Melina and answer.
"Hey Mellie what's up? I ask putting my phone on speaker so I can still curl Maddys hair.
"So there's a party in the Valley tonight and I really want you guys to come!" Says Melina knowing that Maddy and JJ are here.
"Sounds like fun! We will ask." I awnser.
"Kk call me with the answer!" She says before hanging up.
"I'll go ask. Maddy can you continue your hair please." I say before leaving the room.
Downstairs I find Sammy and Ryan playing cards while the they watch tv.
"Hey Sammy. Melina just called and said that there is a party tonight. It is the weekend and we promise to keep our phones on. Also we promise to call an über instead of driving." I ask with a polite smile.
"Ok but on one condition Ryan comes with you and you have to be back at 1:30-2:00 at the latest because I know that by the time you get there it will be at least 10:00." She says with a generous smile.
"Thank-you!!! I love you Sammy!!" I say giving her a hug.
"No problem sweetie also tell JJ that he is free to stay over." Says Sammy.
I head back upstairs.
"WE CAN GO!!" I squeal.
"Yayayayay!" Says Maddy finishing off her curls.
"I called my Mom and she said yes. After I finish your makeup I'm gonna run home and grab my stuff then come back and finish getting ready." Says JJ grabbing a contour palette.
I plop on the bed and let JJ finish beating my face to beauty. While JJ does my makeup Maddy puts on music and then does her signature party makeup.
When our makeups done. I have on a beautiful light and dark brown smokey cut crease with a winged eyeliner and a matte dark red lipstick. Maddys face is complete with a flawless base and soft brown eyeshadow along with her signature black winged eyeliner to top it off she had a matte nude pink lip.
"Can I do Dutch braids in your hair?" Asks Maddy brushing out my hair.
"Yes please!" I answer.
"I'm gonna run home and grab my stuff! I'll be back in 10!" Says JJ pulling on his hoodie.
"See you soon!" Says Maddy as she starts a braid.
Maddy does to beautiful dutch braids with stands of curled hair hanging in the front.
"Thank you Maddy they look beautiful." I say admiring them.
"No problem! Now clothes time!" She says opening my closet.
I look around my closet with no idea in mind. After a few minutes I'm frustrated.
"Maddy I'm stuck. I have no idea what to wear!" I say frustrated.
"Well do you want a dress or a skirt." Says Maddy going through my dresses.
"I don't know! How about you give me a skirt option and a dress option then it might get me somewhere." I say plopping on the bed. I start fiddling with the music.
"Ok." Says Maddy.
"Hey guys I'm back!" Says JJ coming in with a backpack and a bag.
"Hey JJ. I don't know what to wear." I say putting away my phone.
"Same I had to bring options." He says plopping his bags on the ground.
Suddenly Maddy hands me to outfits then goes back to find something for her. The first thing I try on is a black short but loose skirt with a white tank top that has a cris cross top and my black leather jacket.
"Opinions?" I say giving a slow spin.
"Cute I like the jacket." Says JJ looking up from his clothes.
"Same!" Says Maddy laying out a skirt.
I put on the dress option which is a black dress that has a tight top but a short loose skirt. The top is tank top straps that has one big cris cross x. She also gave me a red and blue flannel for my waist.
"Opinions for outfit number 2?" I say spinning in a slow circle again.
"Cute but I like the first one." Says JJ pulling on a hoodie.
"I agree with JJ!" Says Maddy pulling on a teal skirt.
"Kk." I say as I change back.
I pair it the outfit with a black choker and my black lace up high heel boots. Before I put them on I put on comfy socks so my feet don't feel like shit after an hour.
"TADA!!" Says Maddy showing off her outfit.
She has on the same style skirt as me but teal. Then she has on a black tank top that is a low v neck. She accessorized with a teal leather stringy choker and black high tops because her ankle is still healing.
"You look nice." I say giving a thumbs up.
"Thanks!" Says Maddy.
"My outfit is basic but styling" says JJ.
He has on dark blue jeans and black vans and a burgundy hoodie. His brown hair has been styled over.
"You look very handsome." I say admiring his outfit.
"Thanks Will!" He says grabbing his phone and shoving it in his pocket.
Maddy quickly grabs a teal and gold purse before we head downstairs.
Downstairs We find Ryan and Sammy still on the couch.
"Hey guys you look nice." Says Sammy.
"Are you guys ready to go?" Says Ryan standing up.
"Yes." I say.
"Bye guys stay safe!" Says Sammy.
"Bye!" We all chime.
I grab my purse off the hook before we leave.
We go outside to the über awaiting us and we get in.

Dance shoes and Converse. (A love story)  (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now