Just Another Kid - Based On A True Story

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Chapter 1- The Beginning Of An End

***Everyone calls me the strange and weired one, the one they get along with and the really kind one. But, these people dont know me in real life, they are just my internet friends, they have never met me or known me from my past. If they did they wouldn't like me, no one ever does, I mean who would like a girl like me? I'm not the avarage 17 Year Old everyone would expect me to be.***

Caroline slowly started to get dizzy with all her thoughts rushing though her head. Then suddenly there's a sharp pain going into her wrist, she looked down at what the pain was, to see a blade digging into her arm. She wanted to stop, but she couldn't, it just felt right. She did more , getting deeper and feeling better everytime. The deeper the blade was, the better she felt. Her wrist was covered in cuts but she couldn't stop, it just felt so right, she pulled her sleeve down hissing from the pain, then she started on the other arm, watching the blood drip onto the bathroom floor. She did the same till it was cut to shreds. Continuing to her hips and her legs, untill she passed out on the bathroom floor.


About Caroline

She is a 17Year Old girl who live with her boyfriend,James, she was born on the 27th November 1996 at 5:32am. She has six little brothers, Joseph,Harry,Jake,Barry,Brad, and Josh, who all live with their Mum.

Everyone thinks Caroline is a weired, but a stupid girl and no one likes her, but they dont know her, and they havn't walked in her shoes.


3 Hours Later

Caroline wakes to a slam of the front door to realise that James had just got home. "Hello?" James said unsure, "Caroline? Are you home?"

***shit he knows I was in all day today, fuck fuck fuck, how am i ment to clean this up before he finds me*** 

"Hey baby, im in the bathroom, was about to go in the shower ." I said quickly.

"Okai, well ill just put the shopping away. I love you"

"I love you too," sighing with releif that he didnt come into the bathroom, I lock the door and turn on the shower. I find some clening products and a flannel and start to clean the blood up of the floor. throwing the  flannel into the shower in hope that the blood will wash off. I look in the mirror, to realise that i had got blood into my blue hair when i had passed out.

*good job i said i was getting a shower*

I got into the shower and washed my hair. Looking at the dried blood washing of my arms, legs and hips, I remembered my past and why i even started cutting in the first place, the thoughts that I wish id never had to remember. The thoughts that are going to haunt me for the rest of my life!

Chapter 2- The Start

The first thing i remember from when i was young was when i was 2 Years Old. My mum was holding me in her arms, when suddenly my dad got home, and he walked up to my mum, because he was angry of someting and grapped her by the neck, pinning her to the wall, all i could hear was my mum screaming.  Next thing i know i am falling, but my mum is also falling, what happened. Next thing i know i hit the floor.

We then moved to a little village called Goxhill, this is where my life began, and this is were i would live for 12 years. But these 12 years, well they wernt going to be the best years of my life, and they wernt going to be like an ordinary life any kid would have to go through.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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