The Glade

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I was led into a small room with white walls and a chair in the middle. I was forced into the seat and Ava Paige and the man that closely resembled a rat were getting something ready, whispering to each other under their breaths.

Ava walked over and smiled sweetly. "Hello, Newt," she said kindly. "I'm not Newt!" I reply stubbornly.  She ignores my rudeness, and continues this whole 'nice, caring person' facade.

"Now Newt, you understand that what we did to Alby, and what we're about to do to you is for the best, don't you? We promise nothing will hurt you. Well.... we won't hurt you. So could you please let us give you jut a teensy injection?"

I tell her, simply to annoy her, "No. No, I won't." Her smile falters slightly, and she is very obviously frustrated and annoyed.

"Newt,"  she said exasperated. "We are trying to help. We need you to do this so we can find a cure for this disease. Newt, the Flare has wiped out half the world's population and it is still spreading,  showing no signs of dying out. Please cooperate,  for all the people who have been affected by this sickness. Do it for your parents."

I scowled at this vicious woman's mention of my parents. How dare she! She knew nothing of my family or what tore us apart.  She knew nothing about my mum or my dad, or about what had happened to them. But Alby was my mate, and I don't know what I'd do without him, so I sat in the stupid chair.

Ava smiled at me, and nodded approvingly. Rat Man and his ugly friend came over, Rat Man holding a syringe as long as my hand. Ava took it from his tight grip and held it hovering above the pale skin of my bare shoulder. She pressed the needle to me and pressed down on the syringe. I winced as the needle made contact with my skin and it entered my shoulder.

I felt drowsy and I could fell my eyelids drooping, and that was all I had time to consider before darkness fell upon me.

I awoke in a large, metal box in the gound that had an open lid with a tall, dark-skinned boy who looked about my age staring at me from above.  I had never seen this boy before. Where was I? I rubbed my eyes groggily and stood up. I looked up at the boy and dusted mysef off.

"What the bloody hell am I doing here? Who on earth are you?" The boy cracked a smile at me and helped me up and out of the box. "The name's Alby," he told me. He had a deep voice that sounded calm, but also confused and slightly bewildered. Alby. The name rung a bell. I knew I had heard it before, but where?

He asked me what my own name was. I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it. Wasn't your own name supposed to be something you knew? What was my name? Who was I?

Alby must have seen me struggling to remember, because he said to me, "Don't stress too much if you can't remember. When I first came up here in that box last month, it took me a couple of hours to remember my name." As Alby spoke, I looked around and noticed my surroundings. "Where am I?" I asked Alby curiously but demanding.

"Don't know really. I call it the Glade."

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been on holiday and I have been really busy. Yes, I am aware that this is an extremely short chapter and probably boring to read. I can't really guarantee that it will get better or more interesting, but I promise I will try to write longer chapters.

If anyone's even reading this.
Thank you to anyone actually reading this because it probably sucks.


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